What’s the worst thing a woman has ever said to you?

  1. “I will raise your son to hate you.”

    How did it go? She raised him to hate her. Unfortunately, he now hates women in general.

  2. “you’re just like your father” … that hit home a bit to much and I changed my life after that.

  3. Told this woman that I had been talking to for a bit that i was going to get a new vehicle. She asked, “What kind?”. I said, “I’m going to go look at a fiat 500 abarth.” She then pulled out her phone to google image it and said, “That’s one ugly car. You won’t see me in it.” I bought the car, and she stopped talking to me not long after.

  4. It’s a toss up between getting called a faggot for not responding favorably to being physically/sexually harassed on the street and my ex telling me that she just didn’t care about me as a person/human, I might as well have been a purse or chair in her eyes.

  5. I remember my ex calling me a coward for hanging up on her during our little “break” (unintentionally, my phone lost service right as she called me)

    Even though she went to intentionally go see another guy…during our break…

  6. “I know that we decided to make my career a priority and you took care of the kids and cooked and cleaned. And I guess I appreciate it. But 20 years later, now your pay check is embarrassing”

  7. Ew. Yes, women have said much more vile things, but maybe there was some sort of reason, but that ew stung worse. All i said was hi.

  8. “your a male chauvinist pig”. Mind you i was like 10, she was like 19 and banging a dude that could be her dad.

  9. “That’s a face only a mother can love”

    “You’re no prize”

    “Stay in your league”

    “Come back when you’re 5 inches taller”

    “Nobody here even likes your ugly ass.”

    I have plenty more….plenty….

  10. Look directly at my wife and then me: “You can do better than her”

    Uh no thanks. Not leaving my wife for someone who might be slightly more attractive than my wife

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