Tomorrow I’m going to a local meet up just to check things out. However there’s a good chance that someone I did wrong online will be there and end up recognising me, calling me out and ensuring I never hear the end of it.
It was someone I ended up really hurting after I harassed them and their friends for weeks on end trying to give “context” to something really awful I shouldn’t ever had said and ended up being ostracised and shut out for. I feel really awful for it; I haven’t spoken to them in almost two years.
I never showed my face to them, but I did show my eyes, forehead, hair, and ears a couple of times through photos with everything else hidden by a mask or my phone. I have a feeling they would recognise me based on that alone. Even though I’ve essentially deleted my entire previous online presence and go under a new name that is about as far removed from the “old me” as possible.
I won’t make any attempt to talk or interact with them and will keep my distance, but I really am unsure of it, and some of my other good friends will be there too.

TL;DR: Title.

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