A close friend of mine whom i’ve been friends with for over 6 months suddenly started acting different to me. It all started after she had a small sports tournament. So we are both in the same college sports club and due to personal reasons, i decided not to participate and she participated. Before her competition, i texted her saying goodluck and she was acting normal that time. But after that tournament, i send a congratulations text message to her because she won a medal and i had to do it through a text message cause she didn’t show up to practice for a while. She left me on delivered for a whole week although she was active on that sports club group chat and other socials. Today was her birthday and she left me on seen when i tagged her on an ig story. I want to clarify that nothing bad happened between us ever before. I even stayed at her place a week before that tournament and we had a great time. Has anything like this happened to any of you? How did you resolve it?

1 comment
  1. People change with time, let her go if she ever comes back and explain why she was being that way with you, she’s your friend that you should treasure, if she doesn’t come back, she has moved on from you.
    Again this is just my opinion from my past experiences I had with people.

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