Are there different reactions to this for different people?

  1. Depends on the context, some people use it as slang and if they are being an insufferable dick and say it, it irritates the fuck out of me. Friends and pleasant people are fine

  2. Kin-ship!!!!! Like we could fight off a horde of ravenous orcs back to back for days without rest and know we’d be okay!

  3. The team I work with calls each other brother. My boss calls me brother. I started it as well. I don’t mind it. They’re all great people.

  4. Men experience a lot of hardships and triumphs that are unique to our gender so I think there’s a level of a brotherhood there

    Especially when considering hardships specific to the area, Like the projects or growing up deep southern you grow to love people that sound look like or live like you do


    Same for women and their sisterhood



    I think it’s cool and fun, All men are my brothers until proven otherwise on a case by case scenario

  5. I don’t hear it much, and say it even less. It’s a term I reserve for serious friendships, as in “my brother”. I only use it with two or three people.

  6. Depends who.

    Depends where.

    I have people who are like actual brothers to me, vs the bruh vernacular that some use

  7. Most of the time I’m fine with it since it seems to be mostly used as a form of respect.

  8. Doesn’t bother me unless the guy is being a douche or something. Then I’ll think to myself, “I’m not your fucking brother, guy!”

  9. I have one friend that calls me Brother.

    He’s Lebanese, and that is just part of the culture.

    I call him Brother.

  10. Totally cool with it. The men I served in the navy with are and always will be my brothers. I gotta call some of them my god it’s been too long

  11. Brother can be vague and depends on context. “Chief” is undoubtedly a dis tough. I normally fire back “little buddy” or something equivalently patronizing.

  12. Depends. If it’s a stranger I think nothing of it, but if it’s a friend it makes me feel great.

  13. Camaraderie.

    My former army friends end phone call with; “I love your brother.” Even after having lunch, we say to each other; “love you brother.”

    A friend of mine who have I have known over +25 years, he never served in military. We call each other; “brother from another mother.”

    To answer your question. It’s a great feeling!! But, it’s an exclusive club.

  14. Solid af. I’m an only child, so I had to grow and earn that relationship. So the few I let call me brother are so solid in my life nothing can break us up.

  15. Heart warming… We’re family? You love me? I love you too, brother! Brooooo

    I’m an only child who grew up lonely if you couldn’t tell.

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