Hey guys, I really need some advice. Me(21M) and my gf(20) have been together for around 2 years now.Recently something came out during dinner that sent me for a fucking loop. My girlfriend says that she loves cervical orgasms when the topic of sex came up. I, naturally, asked her if she had any with me.

She said she hasn’t with me but had some in her past.

Now I really try to get her off during sex. I believe sex is all about reciprocating without obligation. Oral, fingering, I don’t view as chores. Now though my self confidence has dropped to zero. I have met her exes. I know this is because some of them are hung like horses.

For the record mine is 6.3 x 1.54 inches.
I already read the subreddit FAQ and I know some women can’t orgasm from penetration, but this experience has me questioning all of that. I am on a downward mental health spiral and really need some help here. I know I shouldn’t tie my sense of worth to something I can’t change but I don’t know what else to do.
Therapy is something I am looking into but idk.Any practical help at all would be wonderful.

  1. Hi,

    It took years before my wife could have a vaginal orgasm with me,we worked a lot on how she would get herself off and figured out that her on top with an Arched back is the way she goes,for many years I had always just gone on top or mixed up doggie or cowgirl.None of these worked for her,now if we get excited enough she can occasionally get off in a different position.

    Sex can be devastating to feelings and ego,but if you love her and she loves you find an afternoon to just chill and explore all the options on each other

    You will get there mate,seven years it took before my wife came during sex.

    Now I always make sure she goes first and then we just have fun till I cum.

    Size is not the issue either I’m 8.1/2 in and 2.3 but have perfectly straight curve hugging my body and it just simply didn’t find the spot till we tryed all the angles and it took time

    Good luck

  2. Your dick is fine so shut up about it….you just haven’t figured out the little things that knock her socks off…..ask her…be serious man….tell her you want to make her happier than imaginely possible….she will love it….ask her to take charge and show you what flips her switch… trust me….you’ll both be very happy you did!!!!

  3. The way my cervix is situated, I get better orgasms from his fingers than I do from his dick. There is literally nothing wrong with his dick- my cervix is just off to the side for some reason and a dick can never have the dexterity that fingers do because it is a dick. Get her to guide you and show you where it is and what to do with it and you might be really surprised

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