So my gf(23f) and i(22m) have been dating for almost 2 years and recently I noticed that every time she would tell me she was feeling horny she would get off by using her vibrators and ask me to leave the room cause she didn’t feel comfortable with me seeing that which 8be known for awhile and doesn’t bother me. However this behavior continued for 2 months. I finally asked her about it and it took me to ask many times before she would tell me what’s up. She then said “it’s because of your weight” now I said I wasn’t hurt and I understood and walked out of the room, however as I let it sit infelt worse and worse about myself. My girlfriend won’t have sex with me because she thinks I’m too fat. Now I’ve gained some weight for sure since we have had a healthy relationship but I didn’t think it was that much. But this whole thing really hurts cause she takes anxiety meds which kills her libido so whenever she’s ready to go is a blessing but because of this we haven’t sex in like 2 months again since the last time. I don’t know what to do about any of this I just feel awful.

  1. When I was younger I would let things like this get to me. Today, I don’t sweat other people’s damage. I’m not saying to should not feel how you want, all I’m saying is that your gfs’ feelings and attitude have more to do with her than you.

    Personally, I would move along.

  2. So long as staying fit is YOUR want and not hers alone. If you’re doing it just for her, you’re asking to be hurt in the long run.

  3. That would hurt me too. I wouldn’t be able to be with someone that felt that way about me.

  4. She’s so turned off that she can’t even masterbate with you in the room?

    Thats really not normal. She’s rejecting you to the point where she has to completely seperate to achieve orgasm.

    It may not be something she can control, but you also don’t have to live with it.

    Move on and find someone who is more compatible with you.

    I mean, sometimes my wife isn’t in the mood for full sex, and she will use a clitoral toy because she doesn’t need as much foreplay, but she always lets me watch while she gets off. And sometimes she uses toys as part of our foreplay, and we both enjoy it.

    But if she made me leave the room instead I would feel pretty insulted too.

  5. If you go into a relationship a certain way that attracted your significant other, you can’t fault them for no longer being attracted when you let yourself go.

  6. If the genders were reversed would her behaviour be okay? Of course not. You need to let her know your feelings.

  7. Oh that sucks, I would feel insulted too. You need to let her know that hurts your feelings!! talk to her about it

  8. Lose the weight?

    It also might be an excuse im sorry you’re going through this.

  9. This is gunna be unpopular but I remember a post when a woman posted the same thing thay her husband finally admitted he didn’t want to sleep with her because of her weight and nearly all the comments were telling her that it was a blessing that she had been told and she should just loose the weight.

    I’m not saying you have to loose weight. But ask yourself, am I a healthy weight. We don’t know what you weigh. Not all weight is a safe weight. Sometimes it’s not even the number, it’s more knowing that your partner isn’t looking after themselves , or doesn’t care how they look as much, or doesn’t care about their long term health. Does your weight affect your stamina in the bedroom? Does it affect other things? You don’t need to answer these questions I mean just ask yourself. It might really hurt you, it might be the questions you need to ask, are you healthy? You can be fit and healthy and have weight on. But if you’re unhealthy and have weight it’s not a good combo.

    If you think she’s being shallow, and it’s not even that much weight then for sure leave. If you’re happy with your weight and think she’s being unfair. Leave.

  10. Hey, I’m a woman with some experience and I want to assure you that I never bother with man’s weight when I already pick them. It’s just mean…

  11. Mam if she goes that far as asking you to leave while doing that. And just saying that. I know too well if the roles were reversed you would be crusified and maybe broken up. Now think to yourself. Apart from this. Is she kind to you. Is she caring, do you see a good future with her if its yes bro then its time to get into an amazing shape. If its no then i sould suggest still losng weight and move on. But i would say do what you think is right

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