Tldr; I said to him there is nothing wrong with dating strippers and he told me to find a guy willing to have an open relationship and that we are at different stages and are better off as friends.

He said open relationship and I was like I don’t want guy with other woman like what? I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong. I feel like he hates me.

Like he won’t even give us a chance and we constantly on and off. Don’t tell me to let go. I can’t. I need him. He’s my soulmate my everything and nobody can get between us he just DOESNT SEE IT!!!!!

He thinks I’ll cheat on him because I go to partys and calls me party girl and std. I get upset. HE UPSETS ME. I love him and he never believes me and he never sees the truth he always thinks I’m talking to other guys. I’m not I’m into him and I’d never cheat I love him.

When I say I love him he says “you don’t”. Why doesn’t he love me. I literally beg him I need him to love me. After this convo he’s turned his snap location of and I’ve called him so many times and HE WONT ANSWER ME. He needs to love me. He’s cruel. He will be all lovey dovy then he will push me away over little tiny things.

I need him. I can’t go a day without talking to him it’s driving me crazy. I need him. I need him back. Please how do I make us work we must work.

I can’t deal with this if he leaves me I will die. He’s the only thing holding me together rn.

  1. “he’s my soulmate” to “HE UPSETS ME”. He’s not your soulmate, this sounds ridiculously toxic. You need to work on your self worth if you’re begging someone to love you.

  2. You are 22. You will not die if you break up.
    You’ve made it 22 years without him. You can survive.

  3. There are is another post or two on a similar vein.

    I have to ask. Are you a stripper?

  4. Dear God. Get some self-respect! And therapy.

    No, he is not your soul mate.
    No, he is not the one.

    Are you even in a relationship? Because you sound a little unhinged. And he sounds shitty.


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