Found yourself romantically interested in a friend that had always been strictly platonic, took interest in a coworker after years at the company together…

  1. It slowly dawned on me how incredible she was, how much happier I was with her, how I missed her when she wasn’t there. On top of that I realized how incredibly beautiful she was and is.

    Edit: Thank you for the award. Being told that the early feelings for my wife is wholesome is kind of a cool compliment.

  2. The title is misleading.

    Odds are even if you knew someone but were in platonic relationship you would have still smashed, so you were attracted.

  3. Was going through a rough patch in another relationship and also coming to terms with my own sexuality, realized just how good we could be for eachother

  4. I was in a relationship that I was very happy with, so I didn’t feel any attraction to anyone outside of it. A few months after that relationship ended, I spent more time with her and thought “Wow, she’s pretty attractive.”

  5. I know this seems weird, but this has happened to me after a dream I had of them where were flirting or something.

    Made me be like huh… Well that’s funny.

  6. One. When the group flirt turned her attention to me.

    Two. When a girl who was into me for a long time kept up the flirty banter, but also demonstrated she was on my side during a tough time. I’ll miss her the most.

  7. We didn’t talk for a few years, just acquaintances who drifted apart, but we ran into eachother at a Cafe, and we sat and talked for 2 hours, and found how similar and complementary we where personality wise.

  8. There was a girl in college who was always way too “done up.” Make up, heels, perfect hair, that sorta thing. She looked so fake, which clashed so much with her personality.

    Then one day I saw her in sweats and a flannel, sandals and her hair tied back without any makeup. She finally looked like herself and I couldn’t get her out of my head from then on.

  9. I got to see how unashamedly kind she was and didnt hide her emotions. She was/is a great leader who never asked more of her team than she gave, she looked after people who were struggling even if she was unfamiliar with the person beforehand. You could see the gold in her soul and hiding it wasnt even a thought in her mind.

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