So. My Significant Other/partner is traveling. She’ll be back next week. We have had a rocky past but are in a really good place right now. Not perfect but there’s no such thing. A lot of our past problems have been about communication.

We’re talking a lot but a few nights ago she said something that rubbed me the wrong way. Didn’t hurt my feelings. Didn’t make me mad. Just a comment that came out of left field and kinda annoyed me. Enough that I thought about it for several days now. I know she didn’t mean for me to take it the way I did.

Should I mention it now and possibly upset her trip and cause a “thing” when we’re apart. Or. Wait a few more days until she comes back and mention it then when we can deal with it face to face? Or. Ignore it all together and suck it up and move on?

  1. If you know she didn’t mean it the way you interpreted it, why is it still bothering you to the point that you’ve been brooding for days?

  2. You could have been having a bad day enough to where it bothered you then, and now you’re over thinking it. If you know she didn’t mean it the way you think, I wouldn’t bring it up to bring on a potential argument that isn’t necessary.

  3. There’s no good way to answer this. You’re asking people to evaluate whether something your SO said is worth confronting her over, without knowing what that thing was.

    So, based on this very limited info, my advice would be to let it go and not mention it at all. If it just “rubbed you the wrong way” it hardly sounds worth creating conflict in your relationship.

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