Does it annoy you when men try to talk to you/get to know you in the gym because your’e just trying to workout? Or is it okay and flattering

  1. I hate it. I’m only there to work out. I do not want to deal with people trying to chat me up or hit on me. It’s not flattering to interrupt me to give me your unsolicited appraisal of my body – and if a random guy is approaching me in the gym to hit on me, I’m well aware that’s the reason he’s approaching me.

  2. I truly feel men who approach women at the gym deserve a good old kick in the nuts!!! They’re creepy and annoying, regardless of their appearance. It’s such a douchebag move that screams: I’m a desperate annoying rude fuck. Don’t talk, flirt or annoy me while I’m working out!! GO AWAY.

  3. I hate it. I am sweaty, look gross, and am just trying to burn a few calories. I don’t want anyone checking me out, let alone approaching me. One dude followed me around the gym one day, while I had headphones on, and kept talking to me. It was obnoxious. Then he asked me out, which was even more obnoxious. Also, I had a boyfriend, which he didn’t even consider before trying to hit on me, which was more annoying still.

  4. I hate it so fucking much, and I have to believe that I’m not alone. Women only gyms exist precisely because there’s enough women looking to avoid getting creeped on while working out.

  5. Absolutely hate it. I go to the gym to workout. That’s it. Just like I go to the grocery store because I need to eat, I go to work because I need to pay bills, I go to the doctor because I’m sick. Yet I’ve been awkwardly approached at all of these venues.

    None of these places I go to with the burning hope that some guy is going to approach me with the desperate intention that we’re going to sleep together at some point.

  6. Annoying. Unless I’m in danger or something, then I really just want to be left alone

  7. I guess I would be flattered if it was in a respectful non-creepy manner. But I can’t say this has ever been an issue for me. I’m part if the morning crowd and pretty much all of us are there just to train and ignore each other lol

  8. Pisses me off and I report them to staff ASAP

    I’m there to workout, not flirt.

  9. I hate it. Not sure why men don’t grasp this concept and have to ask over and over. It’s like they know women hate it, but are looking for permission to hit on women anyhow because they just aren’t willing to accept ‘no.’

  10. please dont kill me but i actually don’t mind. i wouldn’t mind a woman talking to me either. i live alone workmfrom home, my family lives very far away, and i miss socializing. gym is the one place where i am around people.

  11. I’ve always hated it, even when I was single. Just because I’m in public doesn’t mean I’m hunting for an SO or hoping some man will approach me. Women need to be able to go about our business without always being evaluated as romantic/sexual prospects.

  12. Annoyed. It is why I keep my wedding ring on and I just show it to them and 99% of guys get it.

  13. Hate it. Do not do that. Also I don’t wear my rings there bc I lift. I’m sure other women are the same. Still not an invention.

    Stop being desperate losers to women just looking to work out.

  14. I don’t like it. If you’re correcting my form that’s fine but don’t approach me.

  15. If men *actually* just wanted to talk, it would be fine. I like talking to random people. But 9/10 times, when a man approaches me to “talk,” they’re only interested in getting a date. They’re only bothering to talk to me because they think it will help them get into my pants. Do you have any idea how insulting that is?

  16. It really comes down to who it is for me. But generally I would prefer to not be approached.

  17. It is NEVER welcome. The guy could be an 11/10 millionaire offering me a puppy and I’d still be annoyed. I’m there to work out.

  18. honestly if a guys super respectful about it then why is it an issue? same would be said about any gender. it means you make a gym buddy, regardless if the persons trying to ask you on a date or not (you can always reject and still be friends) and gym buddies are a win in my book.

    the only issue would be if it happens alll the time, but from my gym experience it rarely happens, most just go there to workout

  19. I hate it, for some reason they’re always creeps. In general I have nothing against people striking a conversation with me. But guys at the gym have this mentality that every woman in there to find a guy. They’re annoying and won’t leave even when I say that I’m a lesbian and they really have zero chance. For that reason I bought fake wedding ring just to wear it there, but it still doesn’t work on all of them.
    That’s why I seriously consider stop going. I don’t know why they’re all like that. I’m not getting approached often otherwise and I’m never approached in that disgusting way outside gyms.

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