I feel like every time I’m in the hospital I see hot doctors. Hot doctors everywhere. I just want to tell one of them you’re hot and just date him or at least make out. I feel so attracted to doctors/ med students like I just can’t explain where this is coming from. Please help me deal with this thing 🥲 idk what to do to be normal again and not fantasize about hot doctors.

  1. Lol I can relate. I have a weird medical kink and I get so turned on by doctors. My ex actually was one (I’ve never been his patient though) but turns out he was married as I was dating him so…

    It was amazing while it lasted.

  2. You should go to a student medical ball etc. where it’s appropriate to hit on them. I still also recommend hitting on the people your attracted to by handing your number out. I wouldn’t say your exact dr, maybe another one on a coffee break.

  3. It’s a sort of fetish 😇. I work in that field and occasionally get unnecessary attention for my role, or my white coat or whatever. Mostly from old ladies though….hehe. The thing is, I recognize that they are attracted to a fictional version of me, with influences from Grey’s Anatomy or whatever…. (I get referred to as Dr. McDreamy sometimes). So, I find it flattering and it makes me smile, but I don’t take it personally. It’s a fiction, and I’m not the character they think I am.

    Here’s the truth….doctors are forbidden from dating patients, because it’s not an equal relationship, either side could take advantage and manipulate things. So, you can actually lose your medical license for dating a current patient (especially true of psychiatrists who require a 4 year window). Additionally, my focus isn’t on coincidental beauty or friendly banter, I’m paid well to focus my skills like a blade in order to help fix a problem….so my focus is a gallbladder, or a skin tag, or sinus infection. When im working im very busy in my head, focused….I may be making small talk to be polite, but really im formulating a diagnosis and treatment in my head by accessing my memory and prior experience. I’m sort of like a street artist painting a picture….you may be admiring my coat, and I may look friendly, but I’m really focused inward and onto your problem….my friendliness is just part of my job because nobody likes a robot experience.

    I get hit on by 20 year olds and 90 year olds, doesn’t matter much to me. It’s a story for my wife, because when im done at work I peel off the layers, unplug my brain, and go home to hear about Minecraft and Star Wars from the kids, and spend my favorite times of the day with my amazing wife.

  4. I’m pretty sure I read in one of the relationship subs just a few days ago about a guy who socially hangs out a lot with his sister, who’s a nurse. SHE socializes almost exclusively with other nurses, since medical staff tends to be more or less married to their jobs and the hours are brutal.

    After quite a few examples of him dating nurses (apparently for quite lengthy periods, and his sister is asking them quite bluntly if her brother is an asshole, and they sort of insist that he isn’t) she is starting to think that he has a kink for nurses. Which he pretty much claims he doesn’t.

    His kink is, rather, beautiful, well-educated women who are socially within his reach. Just like the rest of us.

    …but that was just an explanation to the reasoning that I am about to toss out right now;

    If you are keen on male doctors, maybe you should find out where all the MD’s go out for a beer after their long shifts?

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