For women who don’t game often/at all themselves.

24F here. I hear a lot that women don’t like men who game but I actually prefer it. When my ex was gaming, I would use that time for “me” time. I’d usually catch up on anime, watch RPDR, get school work done, etc. I need my space/alone time so it felt like a nice break for both of us.

Tbf, this only applies to men who game for a healthy amount of time, not for men who game like 8 hours a day (although I’m sure there are women out there who are fine with that too).

Thoughts? Do men have their own version of this with women?

  1. I think that the way you have ‘me-time’ is the same thing for him. Gaming is his me time, it is what relaxes him. Do you have an inner work google document with your ideal life, core values, your love list, etc?

  2. As a 19M and gamer I find it really cool if I find a girl who enjoys playing however it isn’t a requestment. If i was around my ex I’d stop what i was doing and devote my attention to her. Of course if she ask for alone time then I’d return to whatever I was doing. To answer your last question I’m not exactly sure what the female equivalent to gaming is, it properly varies. Sorry I wasn’t able to give you a proper answer.

  3. I love when my boyfriend games. We live together, so it’s nice that he has something he enjoys and to keep his mind busy. I usually catch up on my shows, podcasts and whatever else, and it’s for sure a nice break!

  4. I don’t mind it. I don’t mind any hobbies he may have. Whether it is gaming, playing sports, music, or whatever it is nice when someone is passionate about a particular hobby, even if it is not a shared one.

    You bought up a great point that I think applies to every hobby: It is fine in moderation (people get addicted to their hobbies, which isn’t always a good thing).

    I honor his space in terms of his hobbies and he honors mine.

  5. i definitely prefer to have a boyfriend who enjoys video games. i’m someone who has played games their whole life, and i find that it’s a fun hobby that id prefer to share with the person i love. luckily, my boyfriend and i have the same taste in games and love spending an evening curled up on the couch and playing something together. we don’t really watch tv so for us it’s something we do in place of watching a show or something similar.

  6. My bf games a lot; I don’t at all. I don’t know if I would necessarily prefer it to someone who doesn’t game at all since it does limit our time together per week (we don’t live together and he games most nights), but I do like that it is an incredibly wholesome hobby for him. I love seeing him light up when I ask him for updates. I much prefer hearing about how his raid went with his friends than I did hearing about my ex’s drunken night outs with his friends.

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