(24M) I met this girl through my best friends girl. We hit it off when we all went out one night and she couldn’t stop telling her friends how cute she thought I was and that she wanted to kiss me. We talked more and she asked ME OUT and I got her number.

Talked for a little. Than she ghosted me … turns out her ex hit her back up on valentines days and she went out with him. I said ok that’s fine and never texted her again. 2 weeks later she apologizes to me for ghosting and I was like yea it is what it is. No contact for a month until she text me again joking how I look like Mark Whalberg (something she’s said before in person) and we talked for a bit and it was a nice convo

1 week later …

We all hung out again in friends group and had a great time. She was all over me, telling me she thinks I’m cute, touching my chest non stop (I’m very fit) and the night ended on good terms

We talked more and finally made a date. (Friday night) Nice steak dinner and wine and than some fun at an arcade. We both had a ton of fun, very nice vibe and got along amazingly well. All of our life goals and outlooks were matching up. We’re both Christians that want a relationship based on traditional gender roles. Body language was on point. Once again showering me in compliments and touching me non stop.
While on the date she was making plans with me to go to each other’s church and more dates

I drove her home and I always like to ask before I go in for the kiss on the first date (had nothing but success with this and told many times that they liked that) she said it kinda killed the mood and so she just kissed me on the cheek.

Next day, I text her saying I had a great time and would like to see her again and she returned the same energy and we talked some more over the next 4 days. (I’m not a big texter so It wasn’t a ton)

I told her I liked her vibe as I found it very energetic and joyful which was nice for me as I’m pretty laid back. She called me sweet and said she liked that and found it masculine, calming, and very attractive. She then told me to have a good night out with my friends and that she was going to bed. (About 10pm when texting) I told her thanks and goodnight and looked forward to taking to her more and she “loved” the text via IPhone like she has plenty of other times.

The next Day (Wednesday) I text her about 8pm to talk a little and make some plans for the upcoming weekend and she never responded as of now (late Friday night)

I know she had high interest and she told me time and time again she did and told my friends girl that she liked me and thought I’m “really really cute” …

I understand people can be busy, I know I am plenty, but it’s been going on 4 days and no text back when before it was always within a hour at the most.

Should I suck up my pride and do the dreaded double text? This is the first girl I’ve actually liked in a long time and wanted it to progress. I know I wasn’t overtly clingy or too forthcoming as like I said, I don’t text a ton out side of setting up dates and maybe a little banter.

Could it be she simply lost interest, went back to her ex again, or maybe just forgot to text me (unlikely imo)

I’m well versed with dating and girls, but this one has got me lol .. thanks for all the thoughts!

Edit: Typo

  1. Don’t reach out. She’ll come around. Yes she is still involved with the ex. It didn’t work with them for a reason, so that probably won’t end well for her.

    I would say keep your distance for now, if it’s messy with the ex you don’t want that. She does like you. Seems distracted maybe.

  2. Read back your own post, and see if you spot any other evidence of her being flakey, and perhaps disingenuous…..

  3. A girl bailed on you for her ex and your goofy ass responded by taking her out for a steak dinner…and you’re surprised she’s gone AWOL again?

    You seriously need to stop listening to what she says and pay attention to her actions

    Or you can wait another month for her to come back into your life, take her another expensive date, she refuses to kiss you again and disappears for another month or two🤷‍♂️

    If you’re sitting at the poker table and can’t spot the sucker…

  4. Hey OP –

    Keep ur distance, she is likely with her ex . What suppose is that her ex is treating her the same way as she is treating you… I imagine he is hot n cold and ghosts her a lot… when she is being ghosted she reaches out to you for a comfort and attention, a distraction.. as soon as her ex reappears in her life, she drops you to chase him.

    Don’t do the double text, wait it out and let her reach out to you next. It’s hard but you gotta do it otherwise she will perceive you as clingy..

    Also, as a woman, I love it when men ask for permission to have the first kiss… contrary to what ur gal said… I think it’s very charming, respectful and A TURN ON… so don’t change!

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