Hi! I’m a girl clearly. My bf and I have been dating for about three months. His interests are Pokémon, One piece and JoJos Bizarre adventures and some Markiplier if he feels like it. I encouraged my boyfriend to buy more Pokémon cards and I buy him gifts like boxes of Pokémon. I even got him one piece figurine and one piece Lego set because I noticed he likes legos. I started to be influenced by his interests after he started mentioning me getting into it. (I’ve come to like the Korean and Japanese Pokémon cards) we recently got Pokémon onesies 🙂 sorry enough of my babbling on. I was wondering why do most guys get so excited by this? I think it’s normal when u encourage someone’s interests but from what I’ve encountered most men/guys get so excited when someone or I show encouragement or engage with their interests with them.

  1. It’s exciting because you aren’t calling us children or trying to force us into a box. You’re just seeing his interests and supporting it.

    I also make content on Pokémon cards for YouTube and if my gf was not supportive of it, it’d honestly feel crappy. Like she thinks I’m a kid for enjoying the hobby of collecting and having fun.

    A lot of men are told to only fix cars and shit like that to have as hobbies. We’re consistently told to stop gaming and we’re children if we do it. Seeing the contrary is just nice.

  2. >I was wondering why do most guys get so excited by this? I think it’s normal when u encourage someone’s interests but from what I’ve encountered most men/guys get so excited when someone or I show encouragement or engage with their interests with them.

    Especially when it comes to things like anime/games and that type of stuff, there’s a lot of being looked down on from other people. Even with something like pokemon that’s unambiguously mainstream, being “into” it is still often derided as a waste of time in a way other hobbies generally aren’t. Beyond that, liking Anime often gets you labeled a pervy neckbeard, which isn’t particularly nice.

    So to find someone like you who actually supports his interests is, unfortunately, not so common, in addition to the typical enjoyment of sharing what he loves

  3. Frankly no one ever gave a shit about my interests, hardly doubt I’m the only one. I would def get autistic levels of excited if someone showed genuine interest

  4. Most men do things for themselves in order to get to there happy place, if our girls are accepting and encourage us to keep doing what we do, we’re just happy she can let us be.

  5. Who doesn’t like support? Or feeling, you know, actually seen, acknowledged, recognized, encouraged?? This is a feeling that never grows old. When you are buying gifts for your bf you aren’t just getting him something generic: you are showing that you are *actually paying attention*. That feels so, so good- when I buy stuff for significant others or if I’m just making conversation I do try to include things like that: I want them to know that what matters to them- whatever it is- matters to me just *because* it matters to them. I hope that makes sense? Anyway, keep doing what you’re doing! sounds like a lucky guy 😉

  6. For me most of my exs saw my hobbies as a waste of time and didn’t want to engage and outright would tease me and make comments here and their hoping I’ll change so when we get with someone who doesn’t do that and supports it and even gives it an honest shot its tells us a lot about that person and that they actually care and arent judging and morphing youn into what they want

  7. Girls get interest from people all the time, us guys don’t tend to get any interest in our stuff from other people.

    It’s understandable why you’d be confused, just know that interest in our stuff ain’t as common for us guys.

  8. It’s not common.

    I understand that for you it seems like the bare minimum, but for us it’s genuinely one of the rarest things.

    Ever see how other women talk about their guys interests online? Condescension, mocking, outright hatred. We’ve almost all experienced that out of a partner.

  9. What others have said, no one really cares so when people express interest in our interests, it feels good. When a woman we like does it, it feels even better.

  10. You’re awesome. My wife knows my interests, but always says she doesn’t know what to get me for birthdays, Christmas, fathers day… le sigh.

  11. Because a lot of us have had the exact opposite from our wives/girlfriends.

  12. You are acknowledging how he is able to dedicate his mind to something that he enjoys, while possibly getting good at it.

  13. Well, this is interesting. The answer is rather simple and it escapes you, due to your apparent kind nature and good upbringing. Most guys simply don’t experience with their partners what your boyfriend does with you. Same might be the case for women, but I don’t have much of a reference from that perspective. What you’re describing should be a bare minimum, but the reality is, that it isn’t and that is why your boyfriend is so ecstatic about it.

    Also, everyone likes Legos.

  14. A lot of women would consider pokemon and anmie as childish interests that show a man hasn’t grown up and as things to discourage.

  15. Because for the vast majority of men their interests have been ignored or seen as a competition by the significant others for time and attention. When my wife sits and listens and asks questions about my hobby that I know she’s not interested in I still get excited to talk to her.

  16. Let’s flip the script. How would you feel if you opened up to him about, let’s say liking plushy animals. Something some people consider to be “kiddie”. And instead of making fun of you (major red flag btw) he buys you one or encourages you to show them off or buy more? We’re all human we all enjoy it when our SOs support us and our interests. It’s also important for people to remember that you don’t personally have to agree or understand their hobby to support it (OP did great here just my 2 cents).

  17. Its not common for people to postively support ones interest especially of you are older. Alot of people see pokemon, and video games as childish and when it comes to dating it could potentially be seen as a negative. I love hotwheels so i but them now and my wife is a supporter and enjoyer of them but there are people who i don’t tell about them because i know they would be judgemental about it. Its awesome for my wife to encourage and enjoy my hobby when there is an automatic assumption that your hobby would give you a negative response. You defied yoir boyfriends expectations and he doesn’t have to hold back how much he likes his hobby. As someone in a similar situation, thank you for being supportive

  18. First off, your boyfriend is exceptionally well cultured.

    Secondly you are probably the first person ever to show any interest! I think that’s fantastic and a great way to keep a relationship special and fresh. I know I have never been in a relationship like that in my 33 years, not even with my ex wife haha.

    Rock on Redditor

  19. The interests you listed are the kind of thing you would expect to need to give up or hide to get a girlfriend, thar acceptance is probably a huge relief

  20. Cause it just doesn’t happen. We’re supposed to encourage and support everything our partners do, but our dumb, corny, kid shit? Naaaah! Can you imagine having a girlfriend buy you D&D DM modules from the hobby shop? Sheeeeeeet…

  21. Because it’s rare. Most women want to know what you can do for them. You know a woman really cares about you when she takes interest in your interests.

  22. Quite simple, really. From what I’ve seen in my surroundings, girls often times consider these interests a red flag, i.e. the guy refuses to grow up, he’s a manchild, etc. My ex was like that because she grew up in quite a conservative household and she constantly tried to get me to stop playing video games and become a “real man” and “grow up” (I was 20 at that time, she was 19).
    However, my love for gaming never stopped. Even my degree is, topic-wise, connected to video games. I also love watching animes and reading mangas and manhuas. I also began collecting game CE’s, buy some merch like figurines and stuff. So, if a potential partner has an issue with that and wants me to stop doing all that…. well, she knows where the door is. That’s just it. So ye, I would be over the bloody moon if my future partner was into some of these interests or would wish to know more!

  23. Because it’s really rare after the dating phase.

    I like music, girls like musicians, pretty much no one wants to be able hear me practice the same riff for an hour in the other room. Let alone go off to bars and go hear other bands, or hang out with other dudes…So it’s an “oh that’s sweet” in the beginning, and really special if that’s still a thing within a year of living together.

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