Guys call their besties Bros!!, but if you have a female bestie then why don’t you call her Sis??

  1. No because you more than likely would sleep with her or she would more than likely sleep with you given the opportunity. So calling her ‘sis’ would be weird

  2. I call them broshiphinas or dudettes sis isn’t natural maybe because I dont have a sister lol

  3. Call her step sis. Then she knows she’s not friend zoning you, your simply biding your time

  4. Because if you are friends with a man, you are automatically filed under “the boys”.

  5. I have 3 sisters (all older than me) and we don’t really call eachother bro/sis, sometimes (in a joking way) we would say “wee bro” or “wee sis” but majority of the time we refer to eachother by our family nicknames.

    I had a friend (he passed away) who was like a literal brother to me, our mums would refer to us as their sons, we would joke about being “wee bro’s” but we would still call eachother by our names (or nicknames).

    I’ve never had a female friend close enough to consider her family but I did have female friends who I joked about being like a little sister to me and they would joke about me being there “big brother” but we still referred to eachother by our names (or nicknames).

    Edit: To clarify something, where I’m from, “wee” doesn’t always mean “small” it’s just something we say here in northern ireland.

  6. I call the girls in my friends group like this..

    Hey, Fred’s babe, how’s it going?

    Ah! George’s babe, how are things going?

    I think it’s funny. Would never disrespect a bro and try anything with their babes tho.

  7. I actually do as a matter of fact. I call her Sis and she calls me Bro. We live in separate states now but whenever we catch up it is like that. We have been friends for over 20 years.

  8. Why differentiate? Bro is a way of letting you into all aspects of our lives and telling you that we trust you.

  9. I had two super close girl friends throughout high-school and my 20s. One, I never had a crush on, I referred to her as my sister, little sitter, sis or honey, honey mostly.

    The other I DID have a crush on in high-school, I never referred to her as a sister, would be fucking weird. Never did anything with her because she wasn’t interested, and I eventually moved on. We are still close friends to this day. She was co-best man at my wedding!

    Both were bros or dudes at times, but usually just called them by the group nicknames.

  10. I call mine honey or hun or wifey. Wifey because of the terrible stereotype that married people don’t have sex.

  11. Bros just a term and not gendered at this point, if a girls cool, then she gets bro’d

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