i was reading a book and this lady character who is looking for a husband was asked that how she wants to love her man when she finds him. but her answer was unsatisfactory for me. she only respoded “i want to love him with respect”. that’s it! she could have told many things. so i wannted to know how man wants to be loved. man of reddit, what is your opinion?

  1. Have his back, outwards, no matter what. Back him up in public, criticize him in private. Talk to him if you are upset with him, not your friends.
    Show him that he is a priority, and demand him to be clear about his priorities too.
    Hold him accountable, and equally take responsibility for your actions.

    In general, be real, and genuine.

  2. She doesn’t have to do anything specifically.

    It is just very obvious we both think of each other so there isn’t any doubt how much she loves me.

    We handle everything in terms of us, and that is how we think. I can’t help but always feel close to her heart when it’s obvious in the way she acts.

  3. I’m the cook in our relationship. She doesn’t like to really cook. That’s ok because usually she keeps me company while I cook and then we clean together(she is the better cleaner hands down haha). But 2 or 3 times a week she will surprise me with a breakfast or dinner that she attempts to cook. It’s not about the food itself, but the fact that she takes time to look up recipes that I like, shops, and attempts to prepare meals when she knows it’s not her thing. It makes me feel like I’m worth being important to someone. As a man, we can sometimes feel like “just the person who provides everything”. But we like gestures too. And that is a personalized gesture that I literally get happy about every single time.. and just fyi she has actually gotten pretty good at cooking, just from doing this!

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