Sometimes during especially good sex I notice a very sloshy wet noise when thrusting.

But I’ve never really considered it just being “wet” because wet to me is just lubrication and the sloshy noise seems to be when there’s too much wetness and therefore it makes noise

I’ve always wondered what it actually was. Is it just being overly wet, is it from “gushing”, is it from an orgasm and the liquid is trapped inside

I can’t really “just ask her” because it’s just me thinking about past sexual experiences with a broad range of ex lovers, I noticed they all did this at one point or another but I never really cared to ask.

Just curious now, what is it exactly?

P.S. also I use condoms so it’s not my precum or my fluids

  1. It’s completely normal, with or without condoms. Condoms have lub, then theres natural fluids from women and sometimes even more lubrification it’s added so its normal to exist an wet sound and believe me, better that then sahara desert style because it’s painful as F*ck

    So yeah, just enjoy it! My bf actually loves the wet sound

  2. I think it’s really normal, every woman get wet during sex but it can be at different level and create different noises. To my mind these sounds are really hot

  3. The vagina lubricates itself and “tents” with more stimulation, and as sex goes on, it sounds/is wetter and more spacious in there.

  4. The sound is often described as similar to the sound of stirring a bowl of macaroni and cheese. In both cases, you have soft things moving against each other with thick liquid between them.

    In other words, it’s not just the wetness that you are hearing but the sound of the vaginal walls / vaginal entrance / vulva being rubbed while they are wet.

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