I’m going to be honest here,

I had this idea that I would find Christian grey when I started working in corporate, get my golden ticket and not have to work anymore.. turns out that the guys I work with work FOR Christian grey (our clients) and I won’t have any luck finding him in the workplace.

Why are most of the guys who work in corporate environments so… weak? (Sorry), is the kind of guy I’m looking for going to most likely be a business owner and I’m looking in the wrong place?

How can I find the kind of guy I’m looking for?

  1. 1. 50 shades of Grey was heavily criticized by the BDSM community for portraying the lifestyle in a very wrong light. I would not base my life around it.

    2. Millionaires usually seek women that are very strong willed, independent & don’t look down on others basing their standards on a fraction of the population for serious long life commitment. Because if he was to lose it all, which most people do then its over…

    3. Join our work industry, the sexworkers industry & become a sugar baby in real life. If you’re very attractive, that will give you a huge advantage. As yes, looks do matter, a lot. Most won’t marry you, but you might cross paths with one or at least be in the presence of one. But do note, now, sadly the industry has now gone to total shit filled with scammers. But who knows, you might be lucky enough to land a whale…

    Best of luck…

  2. First you need to come from fiction to reality, that would be a good start 😅

    Also what you are looking is less than 1% of men, you think you are on top % of women out there to compete for guys like that?

  3. >Why are most of the guys who work in corporate environments so… weak?

    Wow, what a thing to say.

    I expect reality will continue to disappoint you, unless you put aside your preconceived and unrealistic idea of the perfect man, and instead approach people with an open mind. Look for the good in people *as they are* instead of comparing them to a made-up character that no real person will ever resemble.

  4. Are you looking for some BDSM action or a sugar daddy, specifically?

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