still feeling down but i feel better i guess, talked wtih a girl today.

What really made me almost into tears was when i asked if i was annoying and she said no, i really like her, she also knew i was in a really bad state and helped out.

I’ve been talking with some people online and it really helped me, i wasn’t annoying them (probably because i was really self aware of what i was saying), but it really helped to know i wasn’t being annoying

i used to feel all down and never thought I’d ever be better, or out of this depression hole, but now i feel like it will get better, and i just need to be really aware of what i say and fix anything that i do, later next week I’m going to apologize to alot of the people i annoy that aren’t on my bad side (and who that im not on their bad side with) because i really want to fix myself up.

i’ve been trying to get back into the activities i used to like, i used to like basketball, i came back to it and i actually enjoyed it, i really liked it, i was shooting alot of 3s and had really good handles, i played a view games with people and actually won a good few games.

i feel like my socializing going to get better, i just need to focus on not making everything about me, and be aware of what im going to say.

Thank you all who have helped me out, ill continue making updates on me and how everything goes.

Thanks everyone 🙂

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