[17M] I recently realized one of my friendships has become quite toxic and that I in no way enjoy this friend’s company anymore. Annie (fake name) has become very clingy, manipulative, obsessive and jealous, and I’m being smothered. I’ve been friends with her for a few months now and looking back the signs were there, they’re just way more pronounced as of late.

Anyways if I wrote out everything she’s done recently you’d be here all day reading this crap. I’ll just give an example of something that happened yesterday.

I went out with her and some actual friends yesterday to watch a movie. After we were done, we were dropping people off, and everyone started talking about a certain movie that had come out a few months before. I said that it was very good, and then she got mad at me and was like “WHAT?? I asked you to watch it with me!” And then she spits out “October 11th.” Apparently that’s the day she asked me to watch it with her. I didn’t want to pay to watch it in theatres and a few months later I ended up watching it with some other friends at one of their houses cause we were bored. It kinda freaks me out that she remembers the day she asked me.

So, after getting advice from my parents and from commenters on other posts, I’ve decided that she is not a good person to have in my life.

The issue is (though in most circumstances it’s a good thing), I’ve never intentionally parted ways with or ghosted someone. I never thought I’d be in this situation cause I tend to make good friends that are good people. How do I do this in a way that won’t make others think I’m a PoS? We were so close that many people think we’re / thought we were dating.

We have a class together and SHOCKINGLY I’m her only good friend in it. I don’t know what to do cause even if I stop talking to her, she’s still in my class and it’ll look weird if I just suddenly stop hanging out with her. She’s gotten close to some of my friends in the past but they distanced themselves. I want to talk to them about it but I’m worried about how they’ll react.

Advice or tips or stories? Thanks for reading!

TLDR; friend is toxic, and I need advice on how to cut her out of my life

  1. Be honest and tell her that this friendship doesn’t work for you anymore and you want to end it.

  2. You have only been friends for a few months, if you no longer enjoy your friendship with her then it’s ok to distance yourself from her.

  3. Yes, be polite, but get away from her.. You could also try talking to your friends, but seems your friends have distanced themselves from her anyways, so they are probably hoping you will do the same… just stop responding to her, yes, very weird she remembered the exact day.. get away from her…

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