I mean, I’ve been steering clear of it for a couple of decades now, but for different reasons.

  1. After seeing the latest news I did not hesitate for a second to continue my 30 year boycott of Bud Light. Only La Croix for me.

  2. No this appears to be one of those negative partisanship issues. I live in one of the most right wing areas of the country (Northeastern Alabama).

    The only people even talking about it in my social media circle (friends and friends of friends) are the 20 something obsessively progressive females.

  3. No. I’ve seen plenty of memes, but no real “harumph” stuff. That being said, Dylan is annoying AF.

    FWIW, I don’t drink it myself, unless offered. I am a beer snob, but that’s trumped by not being an ass if someone is being generous.

  4. This seems like one of those internet things where like 10 people made videos or Facebook posts and then 30,000 people reacted to the big nothing burger.

  5. I have a cousin I haven’t seen in years but catch her fb posts every once in a while. She’s boycotting bud light, but she aged out of being a car show model in Florida so I think she’s just looking for something to do.

  6. I’m a chemical plant operator and quite a few people I work with have openly stated they won’t drink anything from Budweiser anymore because of their recent ad campaign

  7. I wouldn’t say I’m boycotting it. I just like the taste of actual beer.

  8. I’m drinking a Budweiser right now and could give a fuck less about the whole thing. I don’t care what anyone does as long as it doesn’t hurt me or my family. Everyone has a right to be happy anyway they seem fit. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  9. Product boycotts don’t work. There are certainly some people who are talking about this and boycotting. It will lead to nothing.

    People said they would boycott Chick-Fil-A. Their sales increased. Same for Goya.

  10. Yeah. I work in Defense building engines in Texas. They all hate Bud / Bud Light now. They really won’t drink it because they will be embarrassed

  11. Here in Florida bars all over have big signs out front advertising they no longer sell Bud Light.

    As for me, I haven’t had a beer (or any other alcohol) since 2008.

  12. People who like good beer have been boycotting it for years even before Dylan lol

  13. I went to the most Midwest working-class, old-school, dive of a bar you could imagine last night. Big place, packed, same percentage of Bud Light bottles on the bar and in people’s hands as always.

  14. I’ve been boycotting Bud Light my entire life. If I want to drink water, I’ll get it from the tab.

  15. The same 15 people mad at Bud Light are the same ones who boycotted Disney, M&M’s, Mr Potato Head and Dr. Seuss. I don’t think they will have any impact whatsoever. This is just the same few loudmouthed right wing snowflakes that get their frilly panties in a wad every time they realize the world is way more diverse than they are comfortable with. I don’t know anyone that gives a crap what Kid Rock thinks.

  16. No. In fact my conservative uncle just called out anyone boycotting it by saying, “I guess you don’t support our veterans either,” with a picture of all that Budweiser does to support them. It was glorious.

  17. I’m boycotting it (going on fifty years now) because I like beer. Couldn’t care less about their advertising. It just tastes like elephant piss. And I know what I’m talking about. I worked at a zoo in my early 20s and the hazing there was brutal.

  18. I don’t know anyone that drank it to begin with. But if they did drink it, none of my friends would care about the ad.

  19. Our accusations towards others, when not tied to justice, expose our own hypocrisy.

    This is the cancel culture the right wing has been railing about for years. It was, looking back with clear eyes, an admission of their own agenda, as seen when they disagree with silly things like beer campaigns.

  20. The Budweiser distribution center where I live is FULL of knuckle-dragging, slack jawed, Kid-Rockers and I know this is driving them absolutely crazy! The whole town is this way actually and Bud is a big employer here. This is so much fun!!!!

  21. Over at r/bartenders they’re talking about how it makes it easy to figure out who sucks.

    My guess is it lasts for a month at the longest.

    My second guess is Bud Light gains more sales overall for this period vs. what they lost.

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