recently most people have been telling me that i mumble or that i talk too quietly. to me it sounds like i’m at a normal volume but people don’t hear what i say half the time or they’re always asking me to repeat myself. i dont think its anxiety because i’m extroverted and i talk a ton.

i’ve been taking wellbutrin and dissociating more since it started, thats the only cause i can think of. how can i speak loudly again?

  1. Problem for me too. Speak enough that you feel the top of your lungs vibrating.

    Then you know you are property projecting volume.

  2. Your mindset plays a huge part. May want to ask yourself a few questions. I like to follow a format from the book “PsychoCybernetics”

    Remember that both behavior and feeling spring from belief. To root out the belief that is responsible for your feeling and behavior— ask yourself, “Why?” Is there some task that you would like to do, some channel in which you like to express yourself, but you hang back feeling that “I can’t”? Ask yourself, “Why?”

    “Why do I believe that I can’t?”

    Then ask yourself, “Is this belief based on an actual fact or on an assumption-or a false conclusion?”

    Then ask yourself the questions:

    1. Is there any rational reason for such a belief?

    2. Could it be that I mistaken in this belief?

    3. Would I come to the same conclusion about some other person in a similar situation?

    4. Why should I continue to act and feel as if this were true if there is no good reason to believe it?

    Lastly, practice is key.

    Speak twice as loud and keep mental notes of reactions. You’ll naturally adjust accordingly.

    Accept the fact that you will have an awkward stage speaking louder than you should, louder than your comfortable with, louder than what your peers are use to etc.

    If anyone comments on how loud or out of character you are, just explain to them that your working on your projection and have a laugh about it.

    Loved ones will understand.

    Good luck 👍🏾

  3. Before you speak, take a deep breath and speak a little more slowly. Not like, extremely slow, just, make sure you say each word and don’t just blur them all togehter like we tend to do when speaking casually.

    Also – pick your head up and look at the other person. If you’re talking to the floor, you’re not projecting towards your audience. Adjust your volume and ask the other person if they can hear you clearly. If they can – make a mental note that that’s how loud you should be when chatting with others.

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