Will you use it ?

  1. im not gonna let a computer tell me, a human, how to deal with my emotions, which they don’t have

  2. That’s kinda creepy. You’re telling your darkest secrets to a piece of technology, prone to hackers, malware, and government espionage.

  3. Nope, it could be good for removing some biases, but at the same time could be programmed with severe negative biases, doesn’t take into account empathy, and real world experiences therapists have gained. Severe negative biases programmed in, or hackers could ruin certain populations/individuals with various diagnosed disorders, wrongly diagnosis people, give extremely terrible advice or medication management plans, and etc.

  4. Hell no. We need to stop with AI. I don’t trust it. I’ve seen enough movies to know this can’t end well for humans.

  5. No, thank you. I’d like to speak to an actual human with years of education so I feel safe.

  6. That’s a thing? I’m so tired of technology. I’d press zero to get to a human 🫠

  7. AI nowadays need to be checked by a human pro. Their answers are quite good but a bit random and “creative”, so you can’t fully trust them.

  8. I couldn’t. It took me forever to trust my therapist and a huge part of that is that she doesn’t record our sessions.

  9. Oof, that is a *big* no for me. AI isn’t actually intelligent. It just generates outputs based on whatever inputs it was trained on. A *lot* of people (myself included) have issues with therapy because they’ve been emotionally abused by bad therapists or by people who used the language of psychology to gaslight them. In these situations, therapy itself can be triggering. A good therapist can change their approach and avoid triggers, but a pattern recognition AI that’s been trained on thousands of therapists is just going to sound like a generic therapist.

  10. I don’t expect that it would be terribly insightful or trust that it would be relevant to my particular situation. I’d prefer an educated human with the ability to understand context and nuance.

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