So my Girlfriend and I have been together for a year. Iam a student in a city not far from hers. She Is having a job in the City next to mine, its about half an hour drive with train. We have already talked about wanting to moving in with each other and are willing to take the next step. But we have some problems:

1. My flat right now is perfect, next to Uni in the middle of the city, very cheap and good quality for a students appartement. Not enough space for two people tho.
2. She dont want to quit her job in her city, as her working conditions are pretty amazing. But her flat has space for me in theory.
3. She cant drive and we dont own a car because of the immense costs.

So basically we cant move together because neither of us is willing to sacrifice what we have. I considered moving to her city and going to my uni with bicycle and train every day, but that would take alot of time, money and would be super annoying because my shedule is very irregular (for example 2hours morning & 2 in the evening). She also considered moving to me and doing the same but the trains here in Germany are not reliable enough, so she will risk her job with being late often…

Now she is having a breakdown and is saying i dont do enough for the relationship, but I dont know what to do. Iam very serious with her though. Please help me 🙁

  1. How much longer are you in uni? Surely you can wait to move in together until your schedule normalizes? Or find a place at a midpoint?

    Having a “mental breakdown” is either wildly over the top or you’re describing her in a way that is pretty unflattering.

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