We have been dating for 8 months now btw. I broke up with her in January and got back with her in the end of February. I asked her friend if she could deliver something to my girlfriend as a gift because we are long distance. Her friend asked if she could send a screen shot of our text to my girlfriend. I said yes and after an hour or so my girlfriend said this exactly, ”Me and her are not close like that anymore so dont talk to her💀.” On her friends side her friend told me that my girlfriend said that me and my girlfriend aren’t dating so block him. I only heard this from one friend. Her really really close friends know we are dating though. But why would she say that to her friend. I dont think she is trying to look for an another guy too because the same friend said that she leaves guys who dm her on read and just doesn’t talk to them. She was also crying while playing Minecraft with me because of the memories. She said she was really glad to be back with me. She cried for some 20 mins. But like why would she say that to her friend??? Any thoughts? We cannot talk btw because shes in ramadan.

1 comment
  1. I mean most women ghost most people who send them DMs so I wouldn’t put much thought into that. But I don’t see any glaring red flags here. Seems like she isn’t close to this person anymore and didn’t feel obligated to tell them the truth. Not something I would do but I’d recommend asking yourself what would be the worse possible reason for her to lie about your relationship to this friend. At least what I get from this post this friend isn’t a guy so its not like she is trying to cheat on you with this “friend”. But the long distance aspect adds complexity.

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