What was the most stupid mistake you’ve done in traffic?

  1. Tapped the brakes going down a steep hill in pouring rain. Its a manual car, I could have engine breaked, but I didn’t think and completely lost control of the car. I was very lucky, the car stayed on the road (I ended up facing the wrong way) and there was no one else around for me to smash into.

    Hydroplaning is no joke.

  2. I went the wrong way in a multi lane one way road that comes off the highway, always very busy. Google maps said turn left and I was new to area and missed the do not turn left sign. Was in a company car aswell.

  3. Went through the roundabout. At this point it might be my country national sport. To my defence, it was only painted + that was my second time behind the wheel.

  4. It wasn’t -me- driving but I took a ride from a guy I knew had road rage, he slammed on the breaks and got out of the car to attack someone who was riding his ass

    that was not smart of me lol

  5. I got mad at a guy who forced his way in front of me at a turn lane and hit the gas, bumping him. We were so fucking close together that it did zero damage but his petty ass called the cops anyway. He never called my insurance, probably because they would have laughed him off the line. I haven’t thought of him in years but now I hope he steps on a Lego daily.

  6. Gave myself massive whiplash because I forgot I was driving an auto and hard dropped my left foot onto the break thinking it was the manual clutch.

  7. Trusting people to remember to press the button for the pedestrian walk signal to be activated next round. (I live in Singapore, and I’m still young so no I don’t have a car or stuff like that.)

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