So I met this girl like a month ago and we’ve been on a lot of dates and usually we’ll just dry hump each other and makeout or whatever, but something happened the other day where it made me not want to see her anymore, but she said she wants to see me and talk it out in person.

It wasn’t that bad, just a little bit weird and dickish, but I figure if I see her we’re gonna have sex

But the thing is I’m seeing somebody else and we haven’t said we’re exclusive yet, but I’m having sex with girl A, and my thought process was like maybe I can just have sex once with girl B and then bring up exclusivity with girl A after that.

That would kind of be slimy but girl B doesn’t want a relationship so I could have sex and technically since we haven’t talked about exclusivity with girl A, but ya it would just be slimy.

The like selfish part of me wants to have sex bc of my ego, but girl A is very sweet, but at the same time maybe she could not be wanting anything, although we’ve been seeing each other for 2 months and have been progressing things as of late.

Please I need advice, I don’t know what to do?

  1. Why are you asking random strangers on the internet what you should do when you already know what the answer is?

  2. integrity is an important thing. Especially at the beginning stages of a new relationship

  3. ewww, talk to one girl at a time. i hope the girl that wants a relationship finds out and stops talking to u cause i sure as hell would instantly dump a guy knowing he’s place around while talking about commitment w me

  4. Dude get ya fux on. Dey tryna overwrite millions of years of truth with some bs unwritten rules. Go forth and fux.

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