He’s like the perfect boyfriend that, I think, everyone would want: he’s funny, caring, empathetic, actually one of a kind. However, a few months ago I didn’t really feel “safe” around him, which I think is basically because he’s a guy. I know this might not make sense, but when he tried to get physically close to me I would get anxious, almost recognizing his actions as something dangerous. This is one of the reasons why I don’t like him back. simple “liking”, does it make sense? Like, he feels that his romantic feelings towards me are a lot weaker right now.

But he still likes me.

He’s like the perfect boyfriend that, I think, everyone would want: he’s funny, caring, empathetic, actually one of a kind. However, a few months ago I didn’t really feel “safe” around him, which I think is basically because he’s a guy. I know this might not make sense, but when he tried to get phisically close to me I would get anxious, almost recognizing his actions as something dangerous. This is one of the reasons why I don’t like him back.

Now, I’ve always known, ever since I was a kid, that I was into girls.

So, he also made me reflect on something; since the female body is something I know (because it’s the same as my own body), maybe I see the male body as “dangerous” because it’s something I’m not used to, or something I haven’t seen (yes, I never had sex with a guy or anything related) in real life?

He told me that, maybe, we could try and have sex as friends so I could know if I liked it or not, and I could be convinced about not liking guys at all or not.

He’s my friend, so I think that if I ever had to try having sex with a boy, I wouldn’t mind it being him, because I’m 100% sure that he respects me, wouldn’t force me to do anything and I just trust him so much.

I’m not sure about how the friendship would evolve after that. We clarified that it would be just sex, and that it can just be once. I’m afraid his feelings will “get in the way”, but he told me not to worry about it. I’m also afraid he would leave after he had sex with me, but deep down I don’t think he would, I kind of know him so..

What are your thoughts on this? Thank you for taking the time to read whatsoever

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