How do you manage to avoid eating yucky food?

  1. I do think I’m a bit of a picky eater but I’m rarely in an environment where I can’t choose what to eat.

  2. I wouldn’t call myself picky, but I can’t stand mayonnaise. When in doubt, I’ll just ask or eat later if I’m at someone’s house and it’s truly nasty

  3. I’m not too picky but there are certain foods I simply don’t like. For example, mushrooms. I make sure I read the descriptions and stay away from dishes that I know generally contain them (i.e. chicken marsala so I’ll get the chicken Florentine instead). If the dish I get comes with it, I just don’t eat them. Most people don’t care. Heck, sometimes people love that item and are simply happy that you’re willing to let them have the food you don’t like.

    And if people do question your choices, you can always pull out the reasons that can’t be refuted or explained away. My favorite is “I can’t stand the texture…”. A close second is “The smell reminds me of a time I got really sick…”

  4. I DON’T! The last thing I need is someone thinking I enjoy foods that make me want to vomit. I am always upfront about what I don’t eat, and the stuff I won’t eat might as well be cat turds because you’d have to put a gun to my head to make me eat it.

    It took my former in-laws 15 yrs to admit they hated my Thanksgiving stuffing. 15 Thanksgiving ruined for them because they didn’t speak up lol

  5. If I’m somewhere that I don’t get to decide what I eat like at someone’s house for dinner, I’ll eat enough to be polite even if I don’t like it and then just push the food around on my plate. If anyone calls me out on not eating much, I’ll just say that I wasn’t very hungry.

  6. I always go for burgers. If there isn’t a single burger on the menu (which would be blasphemy) I’d go for the next best thing. I kind of hate being a picky eater (slowly working my way out of it) but certain things I just don’t like….biggest thing for me to conceal would be not eating fruit. I’ll drink a fruit smoothy though.

  7. I don’t. Why should I? When invited to dinner i flat out ask whats for dinner because im a PITA.

  8. If it’s something I don’t like I just say “no thank you.” Sometimes “no thank you, I’m not very hungry.” I’m not a picky eater myself but there are some things I don’t or won’t eat.

    It’s okay to decline an offer of food you don’t want to eat

  9. I don’t manage to avoid eating yucky food, I just deal with it.

    A few weeks ago I was at a complementary dinner for an event. Didn’t realize beforehand but they picked all of the food and we were just served (it was at a local restaurant, not something specific catered). I’ve never liked the tidbits of fish I’ve had before but they put a fish in front of me and I ate a damn fish. Not all of it, but about half, enough to look like I was trying to eat it.

    I didn’t care for it and don’t think that’s gonna change, but eating something I don’t care for is something I should be able to do.

  10. I don’t hide it. I usually have one food I’ll get for different types of restaurants and if it’s a restaurant where I’m worried I won’t like anything then I’ll say so.

  11. I only get 1 home cooked meal a year (when I go home for XMas) otherwise, it’s whatever i get around to cooking for myself, or if I decide to order out. So I don’t really have that problem. I actually wish I’d lose my sense of taste, I’d eat a hell of a lot better

  12. I just tell them straight up, also the people that already know me, know im a picky eater. And if they’re going to some niche place like a sushi spot, id probably just not get invited and im cool with that. So not really an issue in my life

  13. You don’t have to hide it.

    I usually say ‘I’m rubbish with food, I’ve got to watch what I eat’ & hold my stomach.

    That way I’m not rejecting their kind offer of food, my dodgy stomach is.

  14. pat stomach* “sorry I am still full from lunch/dinner. Thanks for the other tho!”

    “No thanks, I’m good. Thank you tho.” followed by a sip from my water that I likely brought with me too

    concerned face crinkle* “sorry I have a ton of allergies. Thank you tho”

    Or I just avoid any activity that revolves around food, like dinner parties or holiday celebrations.

    Always add the “thank you” at the end. Usually this puts a stop to more pressure to eat. If there is any more pressure from a persistant foodie, I fake a text that needs an urgent responce or excuse myself to the lil boys room.

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