I was in a committed relationship for 10 years and now it’s over. Doesn’t seem like much hope for getting back with my ex, so after 1.5 years of working on myself, I think I am ready to date.

Gonna maybe check out a few apps, because I don’t drink and work from home, and all the clubs and groups around here revolve around woneries and breweries lol.

Grocery store is the only public place I go, and as good as I am with people, It’s just a weird place to be in general.

To be fair, I am great with people, and strike up conversations with strangers all the time. I get a kick out of making people laugh. My intention is never to find a potential mate though, just jokes and fun.

But now I am thinking of looking, because it wont fall in my lap right? How is it on apps and out there in general?

TL;DR- what’s dating like in 2023?

  1. I met my husband on tinder 6 years ago. I think its fancier now but i imagine its the same idea.

    What age range are you going for?

  2. If you are going to start using apps don’t just bomb a bunch of women with a “hi, how are you.” Read their profile and mention something in it so they know you aren’t just spamming. You’ll know pretty quick by how much effort they put in their reply as to whether they are interested. It’s a numbers game. I look at it this way. Maybe one in five women will reply to you with a substantive reply. And maybe one in five of those will develop into a conversation that leads to a date in real life. So you’ll have to chat up twenty five women to get one real life date. Your numbers may vary but the point is don’t get discouraged. Do choose some flattering photos for your profile. And write a thoughtful profile that describes the internal attributes you offer and the internal attributes of your ideal match. A half assed profile will get half assed results.

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