As title says. Cuddling with your partners hand on your neck. Not a tight grip or applying any pressure. Just resting their hand on it or caressing it.

  1. It would make me think he wants sex. But wrist grabbing while cuddling is great

  2. I have trauma from a past relationship, and for a long time anything near my neck was a huge trigger. It’s gotten a lot better over the years and I’ve built up enough trust with my current partner that I feel safe and he can kiss/caress my neck without it causing me any distress.

  3. Absolutely not. It makes me think that you want to strangle me. Never put your palm on my neck or it’s game over.

  4. Big fat nope. In fact, let me cuddle you. I need to not feel constricted and trapped. So me wrapping myself around the other person works best for me.

  5. On the back of my neck would be super cozy and sweet, front of my neck would probably be fine if it was gentle caressing… I have some trauma related to being strangled in the past so I am not sure I would really be game for it.

  6. It would require a metric fuckton of trust. If you had not inspired me to feel completely safe with you, it would not happen.

  7. Back of neck, or side ( big finger in front of ear and the rest behind the head) i like. Front of neck, no thanks. Basically don’t touch my throat that’s uncomfortable and threatening.

  8. That’s a no from me. No hands on my neck, not during sex, not during cuddling, not ever. The only time it’s acceptable for me is during like a back rub, my husband might get up to the back of my neck in a massage and that feels ok.

  9. Nope. Never minded neck/throat-touching until I found out it’s a thing now to strangle during S*x. It would put me on edge immediately and definitely not in a good way.

  10. My neck is ticklish so i’d probably laugh. And then if my partner did try to cuddle holding my neck while cuddling, it’s a no from me.

  11. Meh. I’d do like a side neck behind the ear thing. Front of neck is kinda, weird?

  12. I LOVEEE it. Hands touching my neck turns me on. Definitely not for everyone, but I find it sexy and comforting. Like you could choke me if you wanted to, but instead you’re just holding/touching me (although i love to be choked). I find it dominant and attractive.

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