We been broken up for 1.5 years, she said I just don’t want to be with you anymore was her reason. I took it pretty hard, but just worked on myself and took some time to do things on my own. We are still there for each other as friends, and she considers me her best friend. She is a good friend for sure, by definition of friend.

Problem is, when she wants to hang out, eat dinner, and watch movies, she lures me in and asks me to massage her leg because they’re sore, and her neck, etc. Then she leans into me and gets sexual, and as I go with it, she then rejects me and states her religion won’t let her.

This is confusing to me because it’s a pattern and happens every time we hang out, like every weekend. I enjoy her friendship and hanging out, but man, it gets confusing and it hurts getting rejected over and over.

I’m not really sure what to do, how do I handle this situation?

TL;DR- ex just wants to be friends and hang out, but then leads me on only to reject me. I am confused on how to handle this, want to do the right thing, and need guidance.

  1. Shut her down. Stop playing this game, you feeding her ego. Which is BS.

  2. Her religion lets her flirt and accept massages but that’s all? Find a romantic partner closer to your own age. No grandmas.

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