Sometimes I feel like I have doubts just because I over analyze everything but is it normal to have doubts about someone you are dating. They don’t have any red flags really and they check off most of the boxes but it’s like I started having doubts once the honeymoon stage was over and things became more comfortable and not as exciting.

  1. 100% had doubts, got married anyway. 7 years later got divorced because the doubts turned out to be real.

    Met my husband and in 11 years together I’ve never doubted once.

    I can’t say for sure if your relationship will work, especially since you haven’t said anything. But here’s my advice, marry the person who doesn’t need to change. This doesn’t mean they are perfect or anything, but whatever their imperfections are you love. Most of the time flaws get more flawed, not less.

    So I guess ask yourself if you can live with whatever you’re doubting

  2. Well if you’re talking about being with another flawed human being and seeing those flaws, yes.

    But I am able to realize I’m not perfect either and if we work, then we work.

  3. Yes it is normal. You are looking out for yourself and playing it cautiously.

    Every so often step away and try hard to think objectively about your feelings. Speak openly with trustworthy friends and keep an open mind.

  4. I have not had doubts about my husband. Doubts I’m enough due to mental health issues sure but no doubt about my love for my husband. No doubt he’s my person and who I want to grow old with.

    12 years and the honeymoon stage doesn’t feel like it ever ended. We still laugh and goof around. We still can’t keep our hands off each other. Still genuinely look forward to seeing him every day after work after 12 years together. Longest we’ve been apart was like 3-4 days.

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