I (22F) have been with my boyfriend (26M) for almost a year now and I am his first girlfriend while this is my 3rd serious relationship. This means that he has been my 3rd (hopefully last tho) partner in bed while I am his first. However im having anxiety over our sex life since most of the time he never finishes. For the record, I never finish as well (even with all the partners I had) and for me, that’s okay. I like prioritizing my partner over me and that makes sex fun for me. For context, I made my 2 exes finish. However, although my boyfriend now says he enjoys and initiates spicy time, he only came twice in our whole relationship.

I’m starting to think that it’s a me issue. Is it possible that I’m unattractive for him? He always tells me that he likes doing it with me and he loves the feeling of it but I feel sad and bad about not making him finish.

He can finish whenever he’s by himself and doing his own business tho. We already tried sexting thru photos and videos and he actually finished again by himself. I just feel so down whenever I think about this issue. I really really like this guy and there is a big potential that I’d end up with him and have a famil but how is that possible when he can’t even finish when he’s doing it with me?

What should I do? I really want to improve and fix this. Any input would help. He says that he loves me and enjoys my company even in a wholesome way. But I just really want to do better for my sweet man. Any advice/tips?

Tl;dr – My boyfriend of almost 1 year almost never finished during sex and it’s giving me anxiety and insecurities

  1. This is a you issues, as in both you and your boyfriend. Both of you should sit down and have a proper chat about your sex life, so both of you can be satisfied.

  2. I wouldn’t worry too much; during my first three years as sexually active, I didn’t cum at all, apart from when I masturbated. I don’t know why. The sex was still fun and enjoyable, for me and my partners.

    Still, as someone posted above, you guys should talk about your sex life, and see what you both need. Are you getting it? Good!

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