I have a genuine question is it normal to masturabte to photos of your crush or people your attracted to and see in real life on Instagram (or any platform)? Or is that considered pervy
Please be honest because I’m pretty confused there’s not much on the internet on this
If you respond pls mention your gender

  1. I do it all the time . Friends, crushes, married women I know ( imagining fucking them in front of their husband, without his approval)

  2. I can safely say I’ve masturbated to the thought of a good 80 to 85% of all the women I have ever met.

  3. Totally done it. (F)

    When I was pregnant I had the wildest dreams about people I knew 💦

  4. as weird as it sounds, it happens a lot. lol i don’t masturbate to the men i think are attractive but i definitely imagine them pinning me against the wall so i think it’s fine. lol as long as it stops at that.

  5. I used to fantasize or masturbate to crushes and my bf before we dated (F)

  6. Pictures don’t do it for me, I need video/audio but I do have images in my head that help

  7. I like guys masturbating to the pics I send them. But my social media? Weird and creepy

  8. A friend of mine sends me nudes on sc, 24 hrs of use and she doesn’t want me to save them. She knows I jerk off to them. And shes fine with it lol

  9. Its normal but you shouldn’t tell them or else that’s harassment. Probably good not to tell anyone for that matter

  10. I don’t! If my thoughts drift to someone I know (and they do) I start thinking it’s weird and a violation, but I don’t actually think there’s anything wrong with it “happening”. Of course your thoughts might drift to people you have experience with. I just feel wrong doing it. because it’d make me uncomfortable to learn about

  11. Photos are a little over the top if the person doesn’t know but imagination all the way

  12. My bf showed me the picture on my insta of when he first jerked off to me. I was quite surprised lol not mad but low key hyped

  13. Completely my own opinion, but I think its a bit troublesome.

    I dont think there is anything wrong in principle, but I know some people start treating their muses differently in real life.

    For instance, one guy confessed he thought of me while masturbating (I didn’t want to know he told me anyway) and he imagined me very submissive. He then treated me in a more dominant manner which I found to be awful. I never consented to knowing or the change in our relationship, especially because I’m not submissive or that attracted to men.

    However, I think if you are able to know it is a fantasy and nothing to do with the person itself (i.e split the fantasy from reality) i think its fine. It can be a good way to normalize sex and stay out of intense prone addiction.

    I think sharing it to others though is unwanted sexual attention for that individual and sucks.

  14. I do it. I’m a female. Lately, I’ve been getting really into it, actually. Almost any time I masturbate these days, it’s been to memories of my crush and/or other previous sexual partners. Sometimes, I start by looking at his picture. I usually drift off into memories of our previous sexual experiences from there. I’m lucky enough to have already f*cked him in the past. I’m married to someone else, and my fantasies will stay just as fantasies. It feels good to let myself indulge them every now and again in my head, though. It’s like scratching an itch.

  15. I have to my crush and we were neighbors and we shared a wall. I accidentally said her name out loud. I think she heard it once.

  16. I masterbate to sexy photos of my gf 🙂

    She did a whole photo shoot for me for my bday !

  17. Yes it’s normal…. I wouldn’t tell the person that you’re thinking about them but there’s nothing wrong with fantasy. I have a few friends I sometimes fantasize over while playing alone. Nothing wrong or weird about it

  18. best orgasms i’ve had were thinking about people i knew at the time, finding photos of them online and using those… idk that gets sketchy. i’ve done it but it felt weird, probably would have been different if they were like, sexy instagram shots or something though. btw i’m a guy

  19. F here. Normal to fantasise. I would be very very put off if someone was jerking off to my photos when we aren’t dating or talking or anything.

  20. My boyfriend once said to me ” u/welland94 we need to get this beach pictures retaken, they are not hot enough and the five persons that probably jerk to my Instagram will not like them”.

    Based on this I have a few conclusions:

    1. People know that everything on the internet could be something others use to jerk off and probably they do so
    2. Obviously they don’t want to discover that you particularly does it and will act surprised if they get to know

    I personally don’t like it as I think there is a lot more interesting material out there but to everyone their own

  21. a girl i was sitting next to dropped her pen and bend over to pick it and rubbed her chest on my knee while she were at it, i didnt ask her or anything cuz i was too awkawrd and naive to understand what was goin on, i used that memory to masturbate for a literal year (M)

  22. I have, but only because she sent me nudes and wants to see the aftermath. Other than that, nope.

  23. Dude you can jerk off to anything you want as long as you don’t talk about it and don’t get caught.

  24. I think of people I know quite a lot, but I don’t look at pictures of them. Thoughts slipping in is ok, I think, but seeking out pictures to look at so that there’s the intention that you are setting out to masturbate purely to that person… Maybe a little odd?

  25. I’m female. Everyone has done this (maybe not every time) since the beginning of recorded time. Just keep it to yourself.

  26. It’s literally what every human being did prior to porn being a thing. Before Pornhub we had the neighbor’s, television, your crush. Masturbating based on this premise is nothing more than old school self pleasure.

    Keep it to yourself and don’t let it become a habit. Once in a while is okay but everytime you have a hard on is not healthy for your sexual life on the long term.

  27. It’s insane that all of the women saying they’re uncomfortable with it and find it creepy are being downvoted in mass. Guys… If women find it weird and creepy, that’s end of story.

  28. I think it’s pretty normal (F), I do it when I’m talking or dating someone but I think it can make people feel uncomfortable if you tell them and the feelings aren’t mutual 😂

  29. I know a guy who prints out photos of people he know, and then masturbate on the pictures. I think it’s a bit pervert.

    Edit: not fantasising about people or to pics are weird (just don’t say anything to anyone at least). But the printing and cum is a bit too much.

  30. I think it’s pretty normal to fantasize about what you see and have encountered. I have had male friends occasionally confess over the years that they masturbated to the thought of me even though our relationship was really completely platonic. It didn’t really weird me out. The human mind is quirky.

  31. As a girl I do it all the time. No harm done, it’s only a fantasy! It’s the same as imagining the same people, only using photos for inspiration.

  32. I do this all the time :’) I don’t tell them though xD Unless I feel there’s a big chance that it could lead to actual sex 😛

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