How do you cope after friend breakups?

  1. Therapy, especially former long term friendships I have known since my childhood.

  2. would love to know bc i feel like i still haven’t dealt with it properly. i basically removed them from all social media and trusted that time would healed. i met new friends, got closer to other people, and just moved on. I still think about them though, but it’s normal because they were a big part of my life.

    one thing for sure though, life goes on

  3. Get really, really angry. But that’s just a secondary emotion I guess.

    I try to be nice to myself. Eat good food, talk through it with other good friends. And try my best to process things that way. But I’m a talker, writing things down works as well.

  4. Even though I was the one to end that friendship and it was really bad for both sides, I still went through it hard. I cried a lot, listened to angry music, couldn’t sleep and eat. Then I decided to stop. Move on. I stopped talking about it. I wrote everything I felt in a form of letter and buried it. Then I started to be nice to myself. I did all the things I wanted to do. Overtime it got better, but I’ll admit, it took a long time. Obvious things: I cut all communication.

  5. Friendship break ups are the worse.

    Lots of self care.
    Try to get out and about with other friends or family.
    Take time to process your feelings.

    Take care ❤️

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