My friend group consists of 3 gals. One of the girls in my group always gets angry at the other girl in the trio and never tells us why. She complains that she’s being left out, even though she’s on her phone the entire time and we try to converse with her.

Additionally, she always guilts trips us into making us think it’s our fault. I have talked with her previous friends and they all say the same thing.

She’s always supporting my other friend in the trio, but pushes me aside. I guess it’s because I’m “boring” and too serious. I do make jokes occasionally, don’t get me wrong haha. I understand if she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore, but I think she should tell me why.

It’s confusing to me why she would like someone she consistently gets angry at more than me. I feel like a trio should be an equal relationship, not one over the other. I’m at the edge of giving up. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Sounds like a toxic friend tbh. Some people are just built like that. If you value your friendship you should talk it out and clear the air. If there are still clashes afterwards, it could just be personality differences. May be better just to find someone else that you vibe with better.

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