Hello everyone,

this is a very specific situation that I’m in.
My partner and I are together for a few years now and she is also my first girlfriend and only girl I had sex with.

We have a loving relationship and had a lot of good sex already – because of a lot of work it got a little less but that’s not the reason for that topic.

She had other partners for sex and one night stands before me. Not a lot but compared to me (0) it’s a few. She is aware that many men (and also woman) might have the interest in trying to have sex with different woman in their live.
Since she had the chance already to do that, and I only had that experience with her, she says she is okay with me going to a brothel once or twice, if I’m ever interested in knowing how it is.

Now I’m a little bit scared of this. I would have not tought about doing that on my own, but getting it offered so directly made me think about it.
My interest is sparked now but I’m also not sure if it’s really worth the risk of potentially hurting the relationship and the hassle of it all.

I would really like to hear your opinion about this topic.

Thanks 🙂

  1. Don’t do it. Waste of money. A hooker will never give you the girlfriend experience. And it risks destabilizing the relationship.

  2. Sounds strange for your partner to be happy for you to do that

    Another issue is that she might think she’s fine with it, but afterwards (or a few years later) might feel entirely different, so I don’t think you should do it

  3. i know people who have done this, and for the same reasons.. she had several partners before him, he had zero.

    just communicate a ton with your partner about feelings/expectations etc. clearly she acknowledges the potential weak spot in your relationship (the fact that you might always wonder) and sees you as a long term partner who she would like to stay with..

    have the two of you considered a threesome?

  4. Waste of money, especially when you have a wife you already have great sex with.

    A hooker is a sexual release, nothing more.

    Try this, have sex with your wife with a condom on, no kissing, no loving caresses, and minimal talking. Congratulations, you’ve just experienced what sex is like with a hooker.

  5. Stay away from brothels. Cess pits. If you both want to engage in the services of a high end escort together, different story

  6. A man is nothing without his own honor. You need to do some serious soul searching right now. That your girlfriend is even suggesting this ought to make you angry enough to throw her out. But you aren’t. Instead you are asking randos on website that skews towards the poor moral standards and promiscuity, for advice?


    There is a whole lot of mess you need to unpack.


    GL you’re gonna need it.

  7. As everyone has said, don’t do it. Maybe do some research into different thing you’ve both never done and experiment with that.

  8. >She is aware that many men (and also woman) might have the interest in trying to have sex with different woman in their live

    She may be aware of that, but the real question is:

    are you?

  9. You’ll both regret it. And forget every hooker you’ve seen in a movie. They generally look nothing like Julia Roberts. And you’ll feel gross and dirty. If you do it, get tested for all STD’s before you have sex with your girlfriend, regardless of the type of protection you use.

  10. Don’t.
    You both entered the relationship expecting to be faithful to each other. Who cares if one has had more sexual experience than the other. If you’re both committed to each other than what’s the issue? If you’re okay with it than you tell her that you chose her only want to be with her

    It’s a trap. Don’t sleep around

  11. Picture yourself going to a mall department store makeup counter and having to pick one of those completely uninterested ladies to bone.

    You’d have a better time cutting a hole in a bag of wet dogshit and fucking it.

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