My ex (19f) and I (20m) separated on Friday. During the last couple weeks she’s been texting with a friend who she used to be involved with twice before who she just now reconnected with after 3 years. She would complain about us and our problems in some detail, and she kept texting him after he flirted with her, but she did correct him on it.

She hid the flirting thing from me until after I broke it off. The problem is she told me that I couldn’t complain about my family problems anymore because she was overwhelmed but this guy was venting to her about all his issues. She’d ignore me to text him even in my bed and talked about him all the time. I asked to see the messages and she refused.

She insists it was only friendly. We hung out yesterday just for a while and she said she wishes she could go over to his place but she wouldn’t bc l’d be upset and that “it sucks that you’d be upset” and she said she considered going in secret.

Idk why l’m even asking this because I feel like I know the answer. I was emotionally available and always asked her what was going on. I stopped talking about my issues with her as well to help with the space.

TLDR: was I being cheated on

  1. Sorry this happened! Everyone defines emotional cheating differently, but it sounds like you definitely made the right call in breaking up with her. Breakups suck but you made the right decision and you’ll feel better as time goes on. Good luck!

  2. Bro does it even matter? Just block her and move on.

    Stop hanging out with her.

    But yes she she was cheating. Cuz she actually flirted.

    But in the future just as a fyi. Do not be ok with your potential gf or current gf talking to some dude she had a thing with in the past. And this is why.

    The moment oh I’m friends with my ex. Or oh he’s just some guy I dated etc etc comes out of their Mouth u instantly put them into the for sex only box. And stop all romantic stuff and bf energy. More often than not they still have some sort of thing going on.

    How do I know? I was that ex bf in multiple situations.

  3. Never split your gf’s attention with other men.

    Why the fuck us she even speaking for with an ex??? I don’t give a fuck if it’s “platonic”!

    She failed the wife test. Sorry.

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