Dads of r/AskMen, what’s something you’re strict about to your son/s?

  1. Only if they’re doing something dangerous. Otherwise I let them be their own people.

  2. Saying derogatory terms , going to school dirty, getting a good night sleep.

  3. Always be honest no matter how the other person feels about it. If what you said is the truth and it upsets them, that’s not your problem.

  4. Anti-gay shit, even when he’s just messing around with his bros on Fortnite. He’s 12. His older sister is not straight and isn’t ready to tell him yet, so he doesn’t know the true impact of his words. But I shut it down.

  5. Making yourself feel good by intentionally making someone else feel bad.

    That’s the #1 rule of things we don’t do in the house.

  6. Strict is maybe the wrong word but this is what i emphasise with my sons. Hard work, fairness, and an awareness of mental health.

    1) Work hard to achieve your goals. We dont come from generational wealth- if they want something they will have to work for it.

    2) treat everyone how you would expect to be treated. Dont be cunts to people.

    3) dont be afraid to share your problems with the other men in your life. Men not talking to each other is deadly.

  7. My dad had only 1 rule: “as long as you live in my home, you do what i say”, and i continue his way.

    But tbh i’m blessed with great boy. He’s 16, completely no problems. He doesn’t do stupid/ dangerous shit, i have nothing to be strict about (yet)- perhaps he stays too late at night, but that’s about it.

  8. Punishment, vengeance, discipline, and consequences are different words. And we use them, and the actions the represent, correctly. My dad only used punishment and vengeance because that’s what his dad did. That cycle ends with me.

  9. Respect and basic human decency. Aside from that, they were allowed to be whoever they wanted to be.

    If you lock in those two traits early, it’s hard to end up being a shitty person.

  10. My son is 13. He’s really good. There’s always been a thing were his mum would basically allow him to be a dirty lazy slob if she could. She’d encourage him not to go out with me, but he’ll always say dad I’m coming with you! And I’d make sure he has a good time.
    His mum recently has started reaffirming to our kids things I teach them so it’s all good. Never understood how a parent could actually encourage their child not to eat well or sit playing xbox all day and say awww it’s tight making them eat well and do actual activities and make new friends.
    I’ve always taught our kids to be the best they can be and given them the opportunity to do nice things, things to better themselves..
    It helps that he spends time with me and people he meets while with me always give him similar advice/life lessons

  11. Getting to bed on time and gearing up on time.

    This was a big factor for me in terms of being tied most of my life and amplifying my anxiety and depression.

  12. If you ask my son what’s one trait about me he will tell you that I’m very strict so i always talk to him about being self-disciplined and to work on his self esteem….. . I always tell him how to present himself (he’s 12) in front of people or when at school. Walk with your head up, be confident, show presence etc etc. I tell him this at least twice a week if not more. I also like to bring him into my game/media room where I have lots of pictures of me being overseas with my army buddies, flags, medals etc etc and always tell him about accomplishing things in life not just making money.

  13. No cocomelon. He gets all slackjawed and I ain’t gonna let that smart brain of his rot.

  14. Htting girls and losing control of emotions. I mean serious temper tantrums, not crying or something.

  15. Being respectful of everyone. I try to ingrain in my son that you don’t have to like people to respect their decisions in life. If it doesn’t affect you directly, it’s none of your business.

  16. One that I emphasize that not everyone does, is knowing your audience. There are times you can goof off, have fun, swear, etc., but knowing when and who to do it in front of is key. They know if they stub their toe or want to swear for a joke in front of me, they will most likely be fine. They also know I won’t have their back if they do it in front of a teacher, their grandparents, etc. It has really worked better than expected.

  17. I’m a panda dad so I’m not strict about anything. I really just press for honesty with ones self and others. If they didn’t get thier homework done because they goofed off and forgot just say so and own it.

  18. Here in New Mexico we have one rule in the house. Green chili goes on everything!!!!

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