It feels unsafe to join in the bashing…but is that what he wants? Of course I “just listen” and we keep busy etc.

  1. Let him vent. Dude is going through shit. Once the divorce is done it’ll tone down.

    Remind him of this moment the next time he thinks getting married is a good idea.

  2. Tell him … “it is what it isss brother, you gotta take it day by day” … I use that a lot.

  3. I wish my friend was complaining, he just detached from life. Has a coping mechanism of hyperfocusing on some dangerous thing. Cut the tip of his finger eventually.

  4. Don’t take him out dinner on what would’ve been a special occasion (Birthday, Anniversary etc) did that with my Brother in law after he split with his ex wife. He got drunk, talked shit loud enough for everyone to hear him, tried to fight the table bussers for asking him to quiet down and ended the night by crying over his plate of food while other restaurant goers pointed fingers and laughed. You’ve been warned.

  5. Listen. No need to bash his ex. Funny story, buddy was fighting with his wife, he took a weekend to go stay with his parents to cool off. Bitched to his mom about his wife. Buddy and wife fixed issues, now happily married and going strong. His mom hated his wife.

  6. Just listen, sometimes as men we just like to go on rants about shit. Its either he rants about it or he builds it up and hurts himself or someone else, its a safer option to just hear him out and listen.

  7. The only comfort you can give is asking “ready 4 another beer and shot” and just let him speak.

  8. Just listen my man. There are so few avenues for a man to express himself safely with his deepest feelings. Feel honored that he trusts you. Be a friend, listen and support him.

  9. Tell him you choose this life no one forced you. You used to mock me not having a girlfriend. You used to tell how you bang that girl and I’ll die virgin and women vagina is everything. And if you didn’t find the one you Will live sad life. You told me you are the luckiest man and she said yes. I never saw you that Happy before and after.

  10. “Oh wow. Then your the first person in human history to get a divorce who was perfect.”

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