How old were you when you started going gray/white? How do you feel about it?

  1. Salt and peppers in my 20s (and the odd whispy grey before that), proper wiry greys started at 30. I feel fine about it, no point in hiding it is natural.

  2. About 28. But I just have a white steak that gets a little bigger every year. I love it!

  3. In my 30s the first platinum strands started to show, I’m 46 and it’s just minimal still although I’m liking where it looks a streak is forming.

  4. I was 11. It came in big white patches and was very noticeable in my dark brown hair. It sucked but my mom (when went grey at 20) let me start dying my hair. Dark brown only at first but by 13 I could do whatever, so long as I maintained it myself, so that was fun.

    Now I’m 26 and all my new hair is silver. I don’t really care. Its frustrating having regrowth but I’m not super on top of dying it so roots show. I still dye it, though I’m thinking of going blonde so the roots arent as noticeable.

  5. I noticed a few grays starting about 2 years ago when I was 35ish. I don’t care, I regularly dye my hair various colours anyhow. Currently it’s half yellow and half purple

  6. got my first white hair at the ripe old age of 19 😄 im 24 now and have quite a few of them. at first i was annoyed and kinda “why me” about it, but my boyfriend insists he thinks theyre cool in contrast with my black hair so i’m slowly learning to accept them as an unexpected fashion statement ahaha

  7. 23/24 when I found my first grey hair. I’m 28 now and I have quite a few scattered all around my head, but it’s not like my whole head is going grey at the roots. I don’t really mind it but sometimes I pluck out the more obvious ones. I think this is more of a habit rather than me disliking them (like popping a spot).

  8. I’m 50 and I’ve noticed a few white hairs here and there. I feel fine about it but I’m a little envious of the women my age who are fully silver. Looks gorgeous.

  9. I started noticing it around 35. Now im 40 and not much more has happened. Im hoping I will get more greys, think it looks lovely

  10. I’ve always had the odd gray hair, but more started popping up in my mid-forties. Since starting menopause in 2020 there are a lot more of them. I don’t have any specific feelings about it – it’s just a fact of life. I do find it interesting that I am going gray in the exact same pattern as my mother did. If it continues in that pattern, I will have a nice white streak in among salt-and-pepper hair by the time I turn sixty.

  11. I started going grey at 26 now 44, and i am grey all over. I Color my hair bc I’m not ready to let it all go.

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