How do you trust your partner again after he betrayed your trust? It hurts too much, but i want to give him another chance but im also scared that he might do it again if i let my guard down.

  1. Without trust, you cannot have a relationship. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

  2. If you’re ok with being betrayed in this way and at this frequency – if it’s still worth it to keep the relationship under repeat conditions – then you’re all set.

    Just don’t expect people to change. Untrustworthy people do not become trustworthy outside of rare and extreme circumstances. I know one untrustworthy person who turned trustworthy, but it took a 3 day coma after a car crash – they came out a different (better) person. People don’t just turn trustworthy because they’re “so sorry they hurt you” etc – people rarely change and mostly for the worse – you gotta decide if the relationship is worth it with who they are now, not who they say they are or wish they were.

  3. Go to surviving It helped me with a cheating wife. Once trust is gone it’s almost impossible to get back. If you do stay together it won’t be the same

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