Seeking some input on whether I should shoot my shot with a booty call.

I (F 26) met this guy “N” (M 33) on hinge last year. We hung out and on our first date we had sex. After our first hangout it was clear there wasn’t romantic chemistry and I proposed a FWB scenario. He was into it and over the next couple months we would each initaite hang outs on about a weekly basis, mostly him making plans for us to meet. Each time we hung out we had sex. Then he had to go on a trip for work and was gone for about a month. When he got back we hung out and had sex. I noticed things were a little awkward and I was the only initiating. But still, when we hooked up he was clearly into it (literally saying “I want to fuck you so bad.”)

Next time we met up I brought up some of the awkwardness and he told me that he didn’t see me as a sexual connection. This was obviously extremely confusing to me given how he had repeatedly made plans with me with the clear intention of hooking up. I was confused and asked why he would string me along for so long and he said he was into it at the start but had been struggling with a bit with depression. He said he is attracted to me but that he didn’t feel like we had chemistry. I tried to respond with some pride and say I understood, that it did feel a little bad, but that we could be friends. We’ve hung out since with absolutely no sexual dynamics.

Here’s where I need advice… I want to hit him up to hook up. I’m not seeing anyone right now and am feeling the need for some casual sex. I don’t want to embarrass myself and ask someone who really doesn’t want to have sex with me. But at the same time, I feel like we ended our sexual dynamic in such a confusing way that I’m still not really clear on how he feels. I have no desire for our relationship to be anything more than it is, I just think he would be a safe and comfortable hook up…

TLDR: ended a FWB on ambiguous terms and now I’m not sure whether I should hit him up. Any insights are great!

  1. I don’t think it is confusing when he said he doesn’t see you as someone he wants to have sex with

  2. It sounds like hooking up again would be a waste of your time. Besides, I’m sure you can find somebody else easily.

  3. Girl go to a nice bar and chat up some 7’s and 8’s you will find someone. This guy is weird now, and you hitting him up will look desperate. Honestly if you stop thinking about him and start talking to other guys he’s most likely going to text you anyway.

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