It’s been a couple of years, but I can still remember how I felt when she left me. We had been dating for almost a year, and everything seemed perfect. We had a lot in common, and we always had so much to talk about. I was head over heels in love with her.

I treated her with the utmost respect and kindness. I was always there for her, no matter what. But one day, she just ended things with me out of the blue. I was completely blindsided. She told me that she had met someone else and that she thought he was more exciting than I was.

I was heartbroken. I couldn’t understand why she would choose someone toxic over me. I tried to warn her about him, but she wouldn’t listen. She was completely infatuated with him, and it was like she forgot all about the good times we had together.

It’s been tough for me ever since she left. I’ve been struggling to trust anyone again. I know that not all women are the same, but it’s hard not to generalize based on my experience. I’m just trying to understand why someone would choose toxicity over love.

I hope that one day, I’ll find someone who loves me as much as I loved her. But until then, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll always be the “good guy” who finishes last. I’m just hoping that there are still women out there who value loyalty and love above all else.

So, Reddit, have any of you been through something similar? Do you think it’s possible to find someone who values love and loyalty over excitement and adventure? I’m just trying to make sense of it all.

  1. Yes I have and I don’t blame anyone but myself. First you got too comfortable with her therefore removing all romanticism and became like family. Second you probably was not growing in terms of learning as a person and relied on her and she relied on you. This seems fine, but the man must usually always have an edge over the woman. Third, you were too kind, treated her too nice, which made her feel that you are just a softy and that she is in control which made her loose her role of female. Fourth, she and you do not share similar values deep down. Five, she reasons with her heart, so that makes her susceptible to act unpredictably. I have been like you. The only thing Im gonna say is that your heart should only bleed for those who would bleed theirs for you. Don’t be discouraged, not all women are like that, but you do need to maintain independence in your next relationship. Good luck

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