If you don’t know what I’m talking about, video examples are [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFwd6oxezHk&ab_channel=konji9), [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmMIPOdYxUc&ab_channel=nerreah) and [this one for the laughs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCCFfcCqhLA&ab_channel=DzonyOfficial). Normally people use barrels or some form of canisters for this. Basically, you put some carbide inside the said barrel/container, add some water and seal it with a lid or something else. You then tap the back of the barrel with a burning stick and it goes boom.

  1. I don’t know about Easter. But in the rural areas of The Netherlands this is very common on New Years Eve.

  2. We don’t do that at easter. We do that during the new year celebrations. Usually they do it with iron 40 liter milk containers.

  3. In the Netherlands it’s a new years tradition. It’s not really a thing around Easter.

  4. That’s pretty cool.I’m not aware of it’s existence but we used to do it as kids , at a smaller scale of course . Instant coffee cans and carbide

  5. The tradition exists in some parts of the country, but during New Years, not Easter.

  6. Yes here in Styria it is a tradition, though only a few people on the countryside still do it.

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