I asked if she wanted to get food, coffee and study to which she agreed and said yes. She seems cool and sweet.

However, this week has been busy for both of us and we never got a chance to meet up.. to which she and I kept rescheduling simultaneously. Originally, I asked to hangout instead of a date since I thought it would’ve been less pressure and better to get to know each other first instead of a “date” label.

I decided to just save us time and not beat around the bush and bluntly told her I’d like to take her on a date.. to which apparently she said she knew it was one which it really wasn’t…

Here’s where I’m a bit confused.. she told me she’s not the dating type of person and likes to go on first dates to meet new people and barely follows up and that if I am looking for something serious she’s not the one. Are we then casually dating or just a 1 time date? Or what is the situation?

I suggested our OG plan and she said “great you can text me when you’re free”

I’m 50/50 on wanting something maybe/wanting to be good friends. If she was a huge crush or something then it’s obvious we can’t be friends to protect myself and her but that isn’t the case.


TLDR: she said yes to a hangout but apparently knew it was a date when I decided to stop beating around the bush and officially ask her on a date. Now she goes on first dates to meet people but not anything serious. I suggested us to do the original plan and she said “great, when you’re free you can text me”

1 comment
  1. She doesn’t sound like a reliable person. Honestly she sounds like the kind of person that it’s hard to stay friends with, like she’d constantly flake at the last minute.

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