I had an instagram account a couple of years ago that had over 1,000 followers but one day randomly instagram disabled it and i never could get it back. Now, I’m having a really hard time getting followers on the new account at all and it’s really embarrassing. I’ve had a really rough patch the past few years: psych ward visit, medical diagnoses, family issues, etc. it’s been a really tough couple of years. This to say, haven’t met a ton of new people and burned a lot of old bridges. I feel like in society today the amount of people who follow you and engage with you on instagram counts a lot for many people and is a big deciding factor for them on whether they want to be close to you or not. So I’d really like to know if there’s anything i can start doing that will help me grow my instagram account and some advice on how to meet new people as a college student. But mostly just socially acceptable ways that people do things on instagram. I’m not great with social cues so some things that seem obvious about instagram and social media aren’t to me so being a little extra specific would be much much appreciated!

  1. I’m old. I have like 50 followers on Instagram, and I follow a couple hundred. It’s OK. I just go on there to see pretty pictures of people’s hobbies or gardens. I sometimes use social media to keep in touch with people I don’t see very often, but it’s not at all where I build relationships.

    Focus on doing activities that make you feel good about yourself, and focus on doing activities with people you like being around. If it’s important to you to use social media – only take pictures when you are having a good time…or if you see something cool around campus. Try not to worry too much about your follower count.

    No sad selfies, no crying into the void. (not that you do – but I have seen it) Try to find people to study with, or join a club on campus. Basically – focus more of your energy on interacting with people in person. Let instagram just be a silly thing on the side… don’t give it more importance than it needs to have.

  2. It’s important to remember that your self-worth is not defined by the number of followers you have on Instagram or any social media platform. That being said, if growing your Instagram account is something you’d like to focus on, there are several ways to approach it in a positive and authentic manner.

    Start by sharing content that genuinely reflects your interests and experiences. Whether it’s related to your hobbies, college life, or any other aspect of your life, sharing your journey will attract like-minded individuals who resonate with your content. As mentioned in the comment, focus on capturing moments when you’re genuinely having a good time, or when you come across something interesting. Be authentic and true to yourself, and avoid posting anything that doesn’t align with your values or makes you feel uncomfortable.

    To help with growth, consider using a reputable Instagram growth service like Ascend Viral. They can assist in reaching a broader audience and increasing engagement on your posts.

    This, in turn, can lead to more followers and connections on the platform. Additionally, engage with your current followers by responding to comments, liking their posts, and starting conversations. This will create a sense of community and encourage more people to follow and interact with you.

    As for meeting new people as a college student, joining clubs, participating in campus events, and engaging in study groups are excellent ways to connect with others. By focusing on building genuine connections and friendships, you’ll naturally create a supportive network that extends beyond social media. Remember that Instagram is just one aspect of your social life, and it shouldn’t dictate your self-worth or the quality of your relationships. Keep things in perspective, and prioritize genuine connections over follower count.

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