So I’ve been talking to this girl on insta for a couple months,we talk everyday but sometimes I’d just disappear without prior notice for maybe 2 days because I’d be busy with something, and she wouldn’t even bring it up later either.
Recently I’ve gone 5 days without texting back because I was busy with exams. I come back to find that she’s unfollowed me and now just leaves me on seen..
What did I do wrong??

  1. You explained it yourself chief. I think she unfollowed you because you ignored too much and she had enough (probs).

  2. Being busy isn’t a excuse. In my opinion.

    30 seconds for a response isn’t much time

  3. Her time is precious. While you were too busy to spare 30 seconds to send a message to let her know you hadn’t forgotten about her another person was doing just that. You were silly enough to think that she would be waiting for your message. If the shoe was on the other foot would you still be waiting?

  4. Obviously in a minority here, but I think it was an overreaction on her part. As long as you do reply properly, I don’t think the timing should be such a big deal

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