I’m 22M, straight. I never had a proper sexual encounter with any girl.
So, I’m not good looking, I’m extremely skinny. But There is a girl who is interested in purely physical attachment.
As usual I tried to initiate a make out. I asked for consent. She kinda gave consent (?).
Because I don’t have ANY prior experience, I messed it up. She told me stop and said that it wasn’t a good start, there was nothing passionate and I was behaving more like a creep, not like a romantic person to have sex.
She also suggested that I should “Verbally seduce” her. I don’t know what to do.
Please help me to lose my virginity 😔

1 comment
  1. Give her heartfelt compliment. Stuff that you actually appreciate about her. Some things about her looks, and some about how nice of a person she is (don’t overdo it since you’ll come over as desperate and looking for more).

    Tease her a bit, hint towards what you want to do with her. Don’t be too direct though.

    The biggest thing, be confident. Think about the thinks that you like about yourself and that you’re proud of and use those in conversation!

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